Monday, May 29, 2017


A Missionary is Born!

Hey guys! This week has been HECTIC for sure haha. It was a good week, but all the things happened. Let's start with Monday...

Monday: So I think I mentioned last week I had to go to Harare to pick up Sister Tonga, so I emailed at the office. It was so good to see ALL the missionaries around the office. I saw so many friends! All the missionaries who went home were getting their last interview with President, so I got to see all of them for sure. I was literally at the office all day, which almost killed me. The thing about being a missionary is that we don't do well sitting down in one place for a long time. 

Tuesday: GOODBYE SISTER NAFULA. GOODBYE SISTER ANYANGO. GOODBYE ELDER MAHLANGU. A ton of missionaries left on Tuesday morning because their mission was finished! I think we had like 13 or so leave. I was so sad to say goodbye to one of my best friends on mission, Sister Nafula. So after all of the trainers had a meeting with President about how to train and stuff. After that, we ate lunch. After lunch, A LITERAL MIRACLE HAPPENED. I GOT TO GO BACK TO MY OLD AREA IN KUWADZANA. So when I left Sister Park in Kuwadzana, She was training Sister Mzunga. Well, Sister Mzunga is finished with 12 week and now she is training her own missionary! So Sister Wells, Sister Mzunga, and I got to go work in Kuwadzana for the day while we were waiting for our trainees. I SAW TREVOR AND ASHLEIGH AKA MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER. I was so over the moon that day haha. SISTER TONGA ALSO CAME ON TUESDAY! So on Tuesday night we got to have dinner with President and Sister Mkhabela with all of the trainers and trainees. It was so yummy. We had lasagna and it was amazing holy cow. MY DAUGHTER IS SO CUTE AND SO SWEET I LOVE HER. We had to sleep in the transfer house again on Tuesday night.

Wednesday: Training, training, training. We had to be at the office by 8 on Wednesday for breakfast, and then we had a few hours of training for the trainees. We ate lunch, and then we had to get a lot of things done at the office like interviews for Sister Tonga and stuff. We ended up leaving for Bindura like at 2 or something, so we got home around 4. Sister Tonga unpacked and we went to shop for some food. We didn't get to proselyte on Wednesday just because we had heaps of things to do and we were both SO TIRED! 

Thursday: Weekly planning #1 for Sister Tonga! It was a little brutal to me to make her do weekly planning right after having sat on a plane for 30 hours and at the mission office forever, but it had to be done! She was a trooper. Then, we finally got to go out and have some lessons. Do you want to hear the biggest tender mercy ever? We did not have a single fall through the whole day! We saw every single person we planned to see! Sister Tonga did great for her first day. She has a powerful testimony. 

Friday: We had lessons all day again! Sister Tonga got to meet the Muzaradope Family, and she LOVED THEM SO SAME. She really does have a huge love for people, so shout out to her for being just like her mission mother! 

Saturday: Makorokoto (congratulations) to Sister Promise for being baptized! We met Sister Promise with Sister Jili, and she just got baptized this past weekend! It was awesome! Sister Tonga is spoiled because she got to have a baptism her first week haha.

Sunday: Promise was confirmed! And Sister Tonga's first Sunday! So I had to teach Primary this week (it used to be Sister Ndhlovu). Can you guys even believe I taught children who don't speak a lick of English? I taught them a simplified Plan of Salvation lesson and it was awesome! We taught a lesson to Brother Kaingo who is going to be married and baptized this weekend if all goes to plan! SOS I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE A WEDDING PLANNER LIKE THIS HAHA.

So training is amazing. I have been humbled so much. I am learning to rely on my Savior so much more than before. I can't even live without Personal Study these days! I am happy! I am healthy! I am loving mission and working hard! I am nearly halfway done which is crazy and doesn't even make sense to me. I LOVE YOU ALL! Have a great week. Say your prayers!
Love, Sister Lewis

(This is Jenna's Mom--I email Sister Talemwa who was Jenna's trainer. She referred to Jenna as her  "daughter" at one time and I asked Jenna about it. When you are a trainer you call your new missionary your "daughter." Now that Jenna is a trainer Sister Talemwa refers to herself as a "grandmother." So Sister Tonga is referred to as Jenna's "daughter."
When Jenna has approached her "hump day-halfway mark" she will send a picture looking pregnant!
It represents that she has been out 9 months on her mission). (Not sure what the Elders do!)
Our Chapel

Cutest Chubby Baby

Muzaradope Weirdos-haha!

Exchanges with Sister Bondo

Sister Nafula and I

May 6 baptism of 9!

Sister Ndhlovu and I!

River the Elders baptized 9 in!

Jonathan (the car)

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