Monday, May 1, 2017

Hair in process

Nafula, Mncwebe, Mayett and I

Zone Conference Swag!

Elders took some selfies!

Weekly Planning hit hard!

My Junior Sunday School

SMiling normal for once

Ndhlovu with her Primary Class 


Muri sei shamwari yangu? How are you my friends?

This week was so fun and spiritual at the same time! Hopefully I will remember everything that I need to tell you all haha.

Monday: So you already know that last week Monday was crazy for us. Sister Ndhlovu and I both braided our hair (there will be pictures this week!) and it took longer than we thought because we ran out of braids so we had to go buy was just a hectic day. SO WORTH IT THOUGH BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH MY HAIR. I don't ever want to take it out even though I know I have to haha. 

Tuesday: ZONE CONFERENCE!! We had a four zone Zone Conference which was crazy. Usually it is just 2 zones combined for Zone Conference, but because of things that were happening we combined with 4! IT WAS SO FUN! There were so many missionaries there haha. I got to see almost all of my mission friends. I saw Sister Bondo, Sister Kayembe, Sister Park, Sister Thomas, Sister Namugenyi, Elder Allen, Elder Barnett, and a TON of other people. It was so fun. It was also a super spiritual conference. We talked a ton about studying, and it gave me some really good ideas about how to study more effectively as a missionary. Obviously I loved the conference because studying the scriptures is my favorite part of life! We left Bindura at 8 a.m. and returned by 7 p.m. so the whole day was just used for Conference.

Wednesday: Back to work! Sister Ndhlovu and I had a ton of people to see this week to prepare for the baptism that we are having this upcoming weekend. I will tell you more about all the people that we are baptizing once they are baptized! I am so stinking excited, though. Of course we ended up in Retreat visiting my favorite family, the Muzaradope family. They are investigating the church and preparing to be baptized. The parents are not yet legally married, so we are going to have a wedding/baptism for them! I AM SO PUMPED! On mission you get to be so many different things, including a wedding planner!! 

Thursday: Weekly planning took a toll on us this week haha. We were both so tired and sitting for 4 hours in a row was hard. I sent a picture of the way my companion was sitting by the end of planning haha. We had a few really good lessons on Thursday. There was this one investigator who was like, "I want to come to your church because every time you are at my house, I just feel this weird feeling in my chest. It is a really good feeling, but it leaves whenever you leave." HE WAS FEELING THE SPIRIT, GUYS. We had never even spoken to him about the Spirit and he was just telling us how he felt different about our church. Hallelujah when things like that happen haha.

Friday: Oh, my way. This day was SO BUSY!! We were just seeing all of the people and it was crazy. We have a ton of investigators in Retreat now, which means we get to spend more time there, which is cool. Again we got to teach the Muzaradope family. I can't wait to tell you guys more about them next week holy cow my whole email will just be about that family haha

Saturday: We went to the Elder's baptisms, which was cool. I love watching people get baptized. It never gets old to me even though I have seen it so many times. We had a few good lessons on Saturday, but the day was super crazy haha. We went and cooked lunch for this member family in our branch and it was fun! Sister Ndhlovu cooked the sadza and I cooked the matemba (small fish). 

Sunday: Favorite day of the week, as always. We had 12 investigators attend sacrament meeting and then 5 came in late!! THAT IS 17 PEOPLE Y'ALL. It was SO AWESOME!! We taught some lessons and then went home to write letters in the evening. It was a sweet Sunday. I am now teaching Junior Sunday School (boys and girls 12-18) in Retreat because they don't have teachers. IT IS SO FUN! It is not even really Sunday School haha it is more like Mission Prep because I have them learn things about missionary work at the end of each lesson. THEY ALL MEMORIZED THE FIRST VISION I WAS SO PROUD. 

This week was super powerful, but it was so crazy and hectic that Sister Ndhlovu and I are using our Preparation Day to REST!! We are working like crazy.

Some of you have asked about the weather since I mentioned it last time in my email. Bindura is cold these days haha I always wear a jacket. I have warm enough clothes. It is not like Utah freezing, but since I have been in warm weather for like a whole year now, it feels so cold. I am in so much trouble when I come home because the snow might literally kill me haha.


I love you all! I had a fabulous week, as always! I hope you all are well. Sorry if I didn't email some of you this week, I was trying to respond to some of the other emails I didn't get to finish. LOVE YOU!

Sister Lewis

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