Monday, May 22, 2017



Guys, I am so confused right now. Transfers brought me SURPRISES for sure haha. Let me make you wait until the VERY END OF THE WEEK lol. BUT to tease you... I am emailing in Harare right now...

Monday: Nothing happened other than emailing lol.

Tuesday: Our final district meeting! We decided to be unified and have combined district meeting again so that we would be able to hear all the testimonies of the four missionaries in our zone who are going home literally tomorrow. We got to have a bunch of lessons, which was sweet. We got to see Tendai (our recent convert) and she gave us some referrals of her friends for us to teach! Sweetest girl ever for sure. 

Wednesday: Lessons on lessons on lessons. My favorite lesson of the day was with Tanaka and Dorica! They are both Muzaradope children as well, but they were gone for school holidays. They came back and wanted to be baptized with the rest of their family! So we have been teaching them. This lesson was incredible because we didn't even teach! We asked Itai, Thelma, Israel, and Pebneg to teach Dorica and Tanaka and THEY LITERALLY TAUGHT THE WHOLE PLAN OF SALVATION PERFECTLY. I was so proud. Almost cried. 

Thursday: Weekly planning! Teaching! Nothing else really happened lol. 

Friday: Lessons/BAPTISMAL INTERVIEWS. Tanaka and Dorica were interviewed by Elder Tuua and THEY PASSED! We were so happy, and so were they! They are sweethearts. 

Saturday: Baptisms/TRANSFER NEWS! The baptisms for Tanaka and Dorica were awesome! They were smiling so big. They bore beautiful testimonies afterwards! So after the baptisms, we got our transfer news. Sister Ndhlovu is leaving Bindura :( She is going to serve in Tafara with Sister Leatu'u! And me, I am staying in Bindura and....TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY. Her name is Sister Tonga, and she is from Tonga haha. I am emailing at the mission office in Harare. I have to stay here a few days to wait for Sister Tonga to get in. I don't even know how I feel. Excited! Scared? Happy! Sad Sister Ndhlovu is leaving. So I am very confused right now haha but everything is okay. 

Sunday: Saying goodbye to people/packing! 

So yeah! That is my news for the week. I am so excited that the Lord has trusted me to train a new missionary! I will love her like crazy for sure. I have to take this time to share my love for Sister Ndhlovu, though. She has been an incredible companion to me. I have grown SO MUCH in the past six weeks with her as my companion. She has loved me like crazy, and always been there for me when I needed her. We laughed every minute of the day and taught lessons and worked like CRAZY! She has been my rock. I cried for sure when I found out she was going. I am grateful forever that my Father in Heaven gave me such an incredible human being as my companion, even though it was only 6 sweet weeks. I LOVE YOU NDHLOVU! COMPA BABY!

I hope you all have a great week! Happy Birthday to my brother Jason who turns THIRTY ONE this week! You old sekuru. and Happy Birthday to my beautiful Aunt Marcy who is turning THIRTY this week ;) . Haha. Love you all! 

My theme of the week/next two transfers:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6


Sister Lewis

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