Monday, June 5, 2017


Guys I am so lazy to write a group email today haha I am sorry. Let me just tell you really fast about the highlights of the week!

Pretty much my companion and I had a ton of powerful lessons with powerful people. We invited 6 people to be baptized in June and they all accepted! We are anticipating to have some more marriages and baptisms this month!

BROTHER KAINGO WAS MARRIED AND BAPTISED WHAT WHAT!! I was so excited. Brother Kaingo was a referral and from the beginning he was just amazing. He started calling church "our church" from day one. He was so prepared. His wife is preparing to be baptised this month, as well. Cutest family ever. I was so happy.

Sister Tonga is amazing and wonderful and I don't even have to stress about training her because she is just already a great missionary! All I need to do is just be a good example to her, and the rest follows. She is seriously the sweetest person that I know. She is so positive! She has never said one negative thing about mission, and I respect that so much. CUTEST DAUGHTER GUYS CUTEST.

This past fast sunday was amazing. I love fast Sundays always. I received a HUGE answer to prayer that just reaffirmed to me that God is there watching out for me. I know that my Redeemer lives and loves me. I know that this gospel IS my happiness.

I am sorry I am lazy to write today. I hope you all have a great week, though! I LOVE YOU NDINO KUDA ANDITI

Sister Lewis

(Jenna's Mom has a little insight--Jenna refers to herself as "lazy" but she is anything but that!!! She is exhausted today and gave us the best that she could give! Since she has been a new trainer for the past few weeks she has also become the main Primary Teacher. These children do not speak English!
It takes all she has and more to teach them a lesson on Sundays and keep them occupied until their Primary time is over. I have to say I am so proud of Sister Lewis and all that she does. She has never had 1 negative thing to say about her mission or a companion or her living conditions or anything! What a great example she is to me!)


The famous Primary Children that Jenna teaches each Sunday!


Promises Baptism!


Isn't she beautiful!

The wedding!

The Baptism!

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