Hey everyone!
This has been a crazy week, but also an incredibly amazing week! I got to see my beautiful mother's face yesterday, so I am still floating on air over that! Here goes nothing...
Monday: Emailing, food shopping, packing for exchanges, etc...
Tuesday: District Meeting! We talked about making lesson plans, and it was a great meeting! Sister Ndhlovu and I were able to teach Sister Promise, who is the cutest human being ever. She is our age and she is preparing to be baptized this month! We taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it was so cool to see how much she understood. We love teaching Promise because she always comes so spiritually prepared for our lessons! After we taught her, we had to go home and pack for exchanges in Harare! President Limu (our District President) drove us up to Harare and it was fun to talk to him for a little while.
Wednesday: EXCHANGES IN MABVUKU!! Guys you have no idea how excited I was for these exchanges! I got to go with SISTER BONDO! Do you guys remember Sister Bondo?! She lived with me in Gweru for like four months and we were best friends in that house. We always wanted the opportunity to be companions, and we got to for a day! She goes home in like 6 weeks, and I loved learning a ton of things from her. We talked, laughed, and had a great time all day. She is the sweetest person ever. She has such a big heart! I will be so sad to say goodbye to her in a few weeks.
Thursday: Coming back from exchanges! We had some crazy things happen that morning, so we didn't even get back from Harare until like 12. I like Harare,but it was SO GOOD to get back home. We taught a few lessons and then had to help the elders grab baptismal clothes from our chapel. We unpacked, ate, and passed out! Lol I almost forgot to tell you guys that I got my first ticket EVER!! So in Zimbabwe, the police just stand in the middle of the road and pull over whoever they want to (they don't have speedometers, so pulling people over with probable cause is not a thing). They pulled me over to check my fire extinguisher, safety triangles, and spare tire. TURNS OUT THAT THE SPARE TIRE WAS FLAT. Haha shout out to the APs for giving us their car with a flat spare. It was only a $5, and I didn't even try to talk my way out of it because I was trying to obey the law of the land lol. So today we are getting a new spare!
Friday: Friday was a crazy day... So turns out the elders needed MORE baptismal clothes because they ended up baptizing like 20 people on Saturday...but I will get there later! So we went to the chapel and my companion was really sick there. One of the elders gave her a beautiful blessing and then we went home. She called our mission president to talk to him and his wife about her sickness, so they came up to visit us. President Mkhabela was pretty worried about both Sister Ndhlovu and I, so we are thinking that he wants to take her to Harare at the end of the transfer to get better medical care, but we will see. I might be having a new companion next transfer, but we will see. I hope and pray that I stay with Sister Ndhlovu for one more transfer, but whatever happens I will be okay!
Saturday: COOLEST DAY EVER OKAY! So the elders in Aerodrome baptized 12 people IN A RIVER. I REPEAT. THEY BAPTIZED IN A RIVER. Coolest thing ever? Yep. We got to go and witness their baptism. It was so cool. I love seeing people be baptized. It was an incredible service. Then we got to go the baptism of some other elders who baptized 7 people, but it was just at the chapel which wasn't as exciting haha. Cool day of seeing people be baptized and also preparing our own investigators for baptism!!
Sunday: I GOT TO TALK TO MY FAMILY WOOT WOOT. So I also went to my normal two church services which was cool, but I GOT TO TALK TO MY FAMILY WOOT WOOT. I was so happy. I talked to them for like 3 or 4 hours I think. They are all so good and so beautiful! I loved talking to my mom on Mother's Day. I am so blessed with a great family!
Things are good here in Bindura. I think I can anticipate some changes coming up soon, but I know that with my Savior by my side I can handle any change that comes. Please continue to include Sister Ndhlovu in your prayers. She is getting better everyday! I love you all and I love this gospel. I am happier than ever, and I know I owe it to my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
I LOVE YOU ALL. Have a great week!
Sister Lewis
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