Today I am also short on time to email because my companion and I both did our hair today for Zone Conference tomorrow, and it took a bit longer than we expected. BUT! Here is a brief overview of my week-
Monday: After emailing, we went to the chapel and sat with Sister Buthelezi, Sister Anyango, Sister Nafula, and Sister Beckstead while Sister Buthelezi got her hair plaited. It was super fun just to sit and talk with them for a little bit! The only down side to that whole situation was it was FREEZING COLD OUTSIDE. So Bindura is so cold right now. As I am even typing this my toes are frozen in my shoes. Shout out to all of you who thought Africa doesn't get cold BECAUSE IT DOES MY FRIENDS. So cold. Anyway, my companion has asthma, and it was triggered by the cold. She could not even breathe and I was so stressed, but then she was able to get a Priesthood blessing and all was well! So that was our Monday haha.
Tuesday: District Meeting!! Our car got a flat tire and it turns out that the spare that was in our car was ALSO FLAT. So thanks to the elders who were driving our car before us haha. It was also Zimbabwe Independence Day, but they did not really do anything to celebrate So a good chunk of our day was trying to find a place we could get our tire repaired. BUT we did get to teach some lessons! At the end of the day we went to go and see the Pepa Family (recent converts) and when we got there, Brother Pepa was bleeding everywhere. Turns out he had just sliced his hand open on a metal sheet. SO we went and got some people to give him a Priesthood blessing. He didn't even want to go to the hospital, but we made him go for a tetanus shot. Men are the same everywhere, let me tell you haha.
Wednesday: Crazy day of teaching a whole ton of lessons and climbing a mountain to get to one of our investigators again haha. We are teaching a family right now called the Muzaradope's and I LOVE THEM. Their Dad is probably the next district president, and the kids are super smart.
Thursday: Weekly Planning! Lessons akawanda (many).
Friday: Lessons and mountain climbing, again!
Saturday: We had a ton of lessons and we also got to go and see the other sisters baptizing some people! Cutest day.
Sunday: Church, church, church! It was a good day. For those of you who know, it was my brother Jared's 6th year death anniversary. For those who asked, I did well! I cried like five tears only and then I was okay haha. My companion was the true champ of the day! She kept me happy and laughing all day.
Can I just say like five more times how much I love Sister Ndhlovu? She pushes me to be the best person that I can be. We have been SO OBEDIENT together and I love it! We are working so hard and I am enjoying her so much. We are praying to stay together next transfer!!
I AM SUPER HAPPY YALL! I am working hard, but I am good! I hope you have a great week! You are in my prayers!
Sister Lewis
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