Hahahahahahaha I am so tired it is not even funny so sorry I am not going to send a very long group email. Also the computer I am sitting at is having a hard time with pictures...but maybe I can try again.
This week was just the craziest week pretty much because we had a WEDDING (again lol someone please send help) and SEVEN baptisms! The whole entire week revolved around getting everyone ready for their baptism! Here are some few highlights of the week!
Friday was baptismal interview day! We seriously were with our District Leader Elder Oliphant (South Africa), and his companion Elder Banks (Utah), all day! They were fun to be around, though. All seven of our candidates passed their interview, which was awesome!
Saturday was the wedding of Brother and Sister Tembo, which was honestly such a blessing because EISH there were so many obstacles put in their path, but we moved mountains and got them legally married! They were so excited to get baptized. They knew that there was a possibility that I would leave soon, so they were like, "WE HAVE TO DO THIS BEFORE SISTER LEWIS LEAVES!" It was seriously such an awesome day, though. Michelle and Rumbi CHIKWENYA also got baptized, which was awesome! We baptized their parents and brothers, but it was finally their turn! We also baptized Marvelous Panganai who is the son to some of the members in Retreat.
Saturday we also got to attend the Agricultural Fair for Bindura for just like one hour to contact people, but it was SO FUN! Also I got to eat COTTON CANDY which is my LITERAL FAVORITE THING MAYBE EVER SO HALLELUJAH FOR TENDER MERCIES hahahahaha.
Yeah guys honestly my mind is so blank, but this really was such a good week. There is a possibility that this is my last week in Bindura, so I am just going to go visit all of my favorite people and hope that I don't cry hahahahaha but that won't happen of course I will cry.
I LOVE SISTER TONGA hahaha she makes me laugh so hard. We know each other waaaayyyy too well and we are waaayyy to comfortable around each other haha. If we stayed together another transfer it would be a Christmas miracle haha.
I LOVE YOU ALL and I hope you have a great week. Forgive me for being tired haha.
Sister Lewis
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