Monday, August 14, 2017


Hey guys!

I am 100% scattered right now haha so let me try to gather myself together before I write this group email. I will tell you all my transfer news at the end of the email!

This week was like the best week Sister Tonga and I have had together for sure! EISH we had so much mission appropriate fun haha. 

Monday: Cleaned the house, washed the car, washed our clothes, emailed hahah. We also had a really good lesson with Sister Margaret in the evening! It was fun!

Tuesday: Last District Meeting of the transfer! Guess who gave the doctrinal study?! ME hahaha. Sister Tonga and I made this awesome Zebra cake for DM. We also had DUMPLINGS courtesy of Elder Lin. Wow I miss Chinese food guys it was HEAVEN ON EARTH. We took a lot of pictures and just had a fun time. After all that fun, we worked hard! We saw a bunch of people and had a really good lesson with Mai Tembo. A member also taught me how to bear my whole testimony in proper proper Shona so that was helpful haha. 

Wednesday: Lessons on lessons on lessons! We taught SO many people in Retreat it was just hectic. We saw all of my favorite people. Also....Sister Tonga and I did something really dumb haha. There is this one road in our area that we have to drive on to get to a lot of people, and it is pretty much terrible. SO it was 5 and the sun was going down and pretty much BLINDING ME so Sister Tonga decides to get out of the car and SIT ON THE HOOD to block the sun and try to direct me haha. I will send a picture so hopefully my mom puts it on eish it was so funny. I was driving like literally 1 km/h. We were LAUGHING SO HARD. But Jonathan made it safely without bottoming out so...crazy works? Guys pray for that car haha. 

Thursday: We did not even get to do weekly planning because Sister Tonga had to get certified to drive by Elder Carrell. She did a fabulous job, but she was so nervous haha. She forgot to put on her seat belt and I was laughing at her. We knew when she was getting certified that I would get transferred for sure haha. We had a few lessons on Thursday, but it was a crazy day.

Friday: Lessons, lessons, lessons AGAIN! We taught a ton of people in Retreat and it was so fun. We had no electricity, though, until like 10:30 at night haha. We just went home like at 9 when we were done teaching and just slept because we couldn't even do anything else haha. 

Saturday: TRANSFER NEWS! But before that...pakaipa. Eish so we were supposed to have a marriage/baptism this weekend, but pretty much everything went wrong so we didn't get to haha. The marriage officer called in the morning and told us he was in Harare, the chapel had no water or electricity, and the baptismal candidate got stuck in a town far away while she was visiting some family...we tried to overcome the odds but it did not work haha so Sister Tonga will baptize her this weekend. TRANSFER NEWS. It was so funny because I was driving when the Zone Leaders called to give us our transfer news. Sister Tonga picks up the phone and Elder Silotile goes, "Sister Tonga, you have a new companion." She didn't even wait to see who it was, she just throws the phone down on the ground and says, "FETCH!" Haha. I pulled off to the side of the road and Elder Silotile told me that Sister Tonga would be staying and I would be leaving. I am now serving in ZENGEZA which is in Harare with SISTER DYANTYISI! 

Sunday: Goodbyes like crazy eish I was sad.


Guys I literally have to get off like now now but I am so sad to leave Sister Tonga and Bindura I loved that area and that companion like crazy. This is a new chapter that I am excited for, though. I will update you next week! Pray for Sister Tonga!


Sister Lewis

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