Monday, August 28, 2017



Combis with...TV?

Chef Companion


Me and D



Aren't we cute?




Me and Sister D

Aren't we cute?

Hahahahah guys remember how I get lazy sometimes? TODAY IS ONE OF THOSE DAYS! Let me try to pull myself together, though! Here is a fun challenge: See if you can count HOW MANY TIMES Sister Lewis and Sister Dyantyisi had to go to the mission office this week! Just to let you know, the office is about 30 MINUTES DRIVE from our house. Pakaipa. 

This week was a powerful week. Sister Dyantyisi and I are just killing it as far as missionary work goes haha. Did I tell you guys that Sister D only has like 10 weeks left of mission? Crazy, huh? Looks like I am sending YET ANOTHER South African sister home! I am loving spending time with her. She is the absolute sweetest and pretty much just the definition of grace and elegance.

Monday: Powerful day, compared to the past 24 P-Days I have had haha. WE WENT SHOPPING and ate really good food so booyah. 

Tuesday: District Meeting! I gave the Doctrinal Study and it was fun! Right now, I am in a district of four, but I think I told you guys that already. I thought I would hate it, but I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Sister D, Elder Hanson, Elder Leneham and I just have so much fun at District Meeting. We always have snacks after DM. Are we the coolest district in the mission? TOTES! SHOUT OUT TO SEKE DISTRICT! #Tununs #Tichucks We had some good lessons, and then we had to drive to the office to pick up Sister Mzunga and Sister Plothow for exchanges. We made Tacos ðŸ˜‹[?] for dinner and it was a fun night!

Wednesday: Exchanges! Y'alls prayers WORKED because I did not even get lost a single time with Sister Mzunga. She is such a powerful missionary and I learned SO much from her. We just laughed and joked all day. Do you guys remember Sister Park? And how I had to leave after being with her for only one transfer because she was training? Well, that trainee was Sister Mzunga! So I got to hang out with her all day, which felt like teaching with Sister Park again. So much fun. We met a lot of cool people. Sister Pamela (15) absolute KILLED the lesson we had with her. We went to go teach her about the Book of Mormon and she just knew everything all by herself because she is a champ. At the end of the day, we drove the sisters back to the office. 

Thursday: Weekly Planning! Also, we had interviews with our mission president, which meant driving to the office AGAIN ahahaha guys send help please. He was a little behind on the interviews, so pretty much our whole day we only got to teach two lessons, but it was a fun day anyway. President Mkhabela is the best!

Friday: DEVOTIONAL WITH SISTER OSCARSON, GENERAL YOUNG WOMEN'S PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH! Drove to the mission office again hahahahaha. So, as it turns out, Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson is the most amazing human being ever. She is on the Missionary General Board of the church, so she came to speak to us. She was just telling us all of the things she has learned with her meetings with the Apostles of the church and it was awesome. So much revelation received! I got to hug her to so BE JEALOUS!

Saturday: We were supposed to have a baptism...but there was no water at the meetinghouse...pakaipa. So we pushed the baptism to Sunday and just taught a whole bunch of people instead!

Sunday: Church! Awesome as always. I taught about eternal marriage in our investigators class and I was just laughing the whole entire time because I was really just teaching my companion to PREPARE HER HAHAHA. Just imagine her next companion will be her eternal companion hahahahahaha. I love being someone's last companion honestly. So, after church we had a baptism! Brother Tawanda, Sister Makona, and Brother Makona! It was the hugest tender mercy ever to see Tawanda get baptized. He fractured his knee awhile ago and has not had the money to fix it, so he just walks really slowly around everywhere on crutches. It was the most amazing thing ever to see the Priesthood brethren lift him into the font and to watch him be baptized. Favorite baptism I have ever witnessed! SO incredible. 

This week was just powerful. Did I mention last week that I am now a year from home? So many thing have happened to me since I left home. Kendall and Keith learned how to talk, Michelle got baptized, Rylee and Sophia started school, Jason got a new job, Heather got into nursing school, Jesse and Lenzie moved, Jacob and Jaime are pregnant, Dad turned 60, Mom has been doing a whole bunch of humanitarian work, Abby got married, Andrew went on a mission, Alissa and Kaitlyn started school, Sam got his call to Franch, Maddie finished a whole year of school and is starting again, I have had SEVEN companions and FOUR AREAS, I turned 20, the list goes on and on. I think the most important, though, is that my relationship with my Savior has deepened more than I ever thought possible. I am so grateful for this past year which has changed my life more than I ever though possible. I can't wait to see what the last six months will bring. 

I love you all and I hope you know I pray for you all the time! I love my Book of Mormon SOOO much! 

Have a great week!

Sister Lewis

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