Monday, July 31, 2017



Guys haha so the rules for emailing got changed and for sure I only have TWO HOURS to email literally everybody and before I was using THREE HOURS so please forgive me if I did not get to you this week! I am trying to just be the most obedient person I can be, handiti? Also, I am apologizing beforehand for the Shona because eish nhasi my mind is scattered and filled with Shona so sorry mhuri wangu. 

MONDAY: Nothing interesting happened on Monday last week haha EXCEPT I found out that my brother and sister in law are having a BABY GIRL!! WOOT WOOT. It is African tradition to name your children after your! Haha no ndiri kutamba but MAKOROKOTO (congratulations) Jake and Jaime for your little baby girl. She will be the cutest thing ever. I am so pumped to meet her when I get home! We also got to see my best friend LILLIAN on Monday. She is like my favorite. 

TUESDAY: ZONE CONFERENCE HAHAHAHAHAHA GUYS I SAW ALL MY FAVORITE PEOPLE LIKE SISTER NDHLOVU AND SISTER TALEMWA AND SISTER MZUNGA AND ELDER ALLEN AND ELDER BARNETT AND EVERYONE WAS THERE HAHAHA SO HAPPY. Sorry. I can't control my excitement. No, but honestly it was an awesome Zone Conference. It was so spiritual and I was just feeling the power of the Book of Mormon. My goal is to just know every single verse in the Book of Mormon when I get home. Will it happen? Probably not. Will I try? YEAH FAM I WILL. We were in Harare literally all the day long and eish NDANETTA NE KUGARA (I am tired of sitting). Sister Tonga was randomly called on to give a talk in Zone Conference and she did so good honestly I was so proud. She killed it. 

WEDNESDAY: Weekly Planning! We had just a whole bunch of lessons on Wednesday, which was good because Tuesday was just sitting, sitting, sitting. I am so in trouble when I get home because if I am not constantly moving around and teaching people I get bored. Zvakaoma. 

THURSDAY: Interviews with our mission president! It was good. We had to SIT AGAIN at the chapel from like 10 to 3 because every person is interviewed individually and we were like last...but it was good to talk to President. He gave me such good advice! I love and support and sustain my mission president 100%. Also we went to go see Sister Uchena's daughter, Sharon. She is 15. She seems like she is holding it together okay, but I know she misses her mom like crazy. 

FRIDAY: Baptismal interviews! We had four baptisms this past weekend, and all of them had to be interviewed on Friday. Elder Oliphant (my District Leader) was the one doing all the interviews. While he was doing the interviews, me, my companion, and Elder Banks (Elder Oliphant's companion) started playing NINJA with the kids around us in the area. I can't even explain what Ninja is, but pretty much it is just a fun game. We had so much fun! Go BANKS for thinking of the idea haha. We also taught plenty of lessons! It was a good day. 

SATURDAY: MAKOROKOTO to Sister Kanyoka, Brother Jeremiah, Brother Piyo, and Brother Tinashe! Do you remember Brother Tsungayi Chikwenya that got baptized the last weekend of June?! WELL his BROTHER, TINASHE, and his TWO SONS, JEREMIAH AND PIYO got baptized this weekend! It was awesome! Now their whole family is baptized ALMOST! We are preparing Rumbie to get baptized this weekend. Coolest family ever. Love them to pieces. 

SUNDAY: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER PARK! THE BIG 21! You guys remember that KOREAN COMPANION (hahahah Sister Park I hope you read this one day and laugh) I had in Kuwadzana in January/February?! It was her birthday on Sunday! Sister Tonga and I called her and kutamba HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! It was awesome. Also just the day was awesome. Ndanetta ne kuteacha Primary, asi ndinofara steriki. Primary always makes me tired, handiti? But I love it so much!  Fun fact: Last night after we got home, closed the week, and did all of our studies, Sister Tonga went to go make dinner. I told her I was about to follow her to the kitchen, but instead I FELL ASLEEP IN MY BED haha. Poor Sister Tonga had to cook and eat by herself. To be fair to me, though, it was like 10:00 p.m. when she started cooking. Funnier fact: I woke up at 1:00 a.m. and I found a plate of food by my bed so I ate it and then went back to sleep. Also we slept with the light on ALL NIGHT because we were both too lazy to turn off the light.

MY COMPANION BRAIDED HER HAIR TODAY HAHA LIKE MOTHER LIKE DAUGHTER except I haven't taken any pictures yet, so next week I will. This letter is literally so crazy because ndiri hyper but I am just trying to hurry so I don't break mission rules. WICKEDNESS NEVER WAS HAPPINESS. Okay hahahahah i am so done and I am annoying myself so I gotta go.

Ndinoziva kuti chech ra Jesu Kristu ichech chokwadi. Ndinoziva kuti Bhuku ra Mormoni ibhuku re chokwadi. Ndinofara kuti ndirimissionary. NDINO KUDA.

Ndinoswa Shona steriki, asi handi goni taura zvese. 

I hope someone from Zimbabwe/a returned missionary just reads this blog and absolutely laughs at my Shona because eish pakaipa. It is hard to write Shona haha. LOVE YOU!
Sister Lewis
Squad UP!

Obviously Talented




He loves me....



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