Monday, April 10, 2017


District Leader wrote, "Happy BDL"

My cute companion made me breckfast in bed!

Zone Leaders brought me cake!


Vanilla and Chocolate for life!

The DISTRICT! #fabulous

Here's the week!

Monday: Oh my way this day was so crazy. Sister Jili and I had so much to do and just no time to actually do it. We pretty much did all of our washing and cleaning in a superhuman amount of time, emailed, and then went to some member's house so that Sister Jili could get her hair done. I WAS SO TIRED I FELL ASLEEP ON THEIR COUCH. Haha sorry not sorry. It was like a 20 minute nap and then I was ready to go again!

Tuesday: District Meeting! Guys, I have the coolest District Leader ever. After District Meeting, Elder Tuua bought pizza for the whole district for my birthday! It was so sweet. We had cake the past two weeks in a row for Sister Jili and Sister Beckstead, so Elder Tuua decided to buy pizza for my birthday! He wrote, "Happy BDL (birthday lewis)" in these candies on the pizza. It was super fun. After District Meeting, we went to go teach some lessons with our good friend Moses! Haha Moses is one of the members of our branch. We taught some lessons and ended the night with some of my favorite recent converts, the Pepa Family.

Wednesday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! SO I have the cutest companion ever. Sister Jili woke me up at 6:30 in the morning to breakfast in bed! She woke up early just so she could make me breakfast and decorate our room a little bit. Sleep is her favorite thing, so I was touched that she woke up early for me haha. Right as we finish Personal and Companion Study, our Zone Leaders stopped by with a cake for me! They also brought a present that Sister Talemwa had sent me from Harare. I got lots of cute birthday wishes from missionaries, members, and investigators. It was a great 20th birthday! It might be my favorite birthday that I ever have haha. PLUS we got to end the day in Retreat, which was awesome.

Thursday: Weekly Planning! Sister Jili was such a trooper because she helped me to plan for this week even though she is going home. We had some good lessons on Thursday and just enjoyed the day together. We had a few fall throughs, but we also had a good day! I was so sad, though, because one of our investigators, Sister JoJo, left for kumusha. She was preparing to be baptized, but she told us, "I really want to be baptized, but I could leave at any time to go back to Masvingo. We will pray that I will stay!" I was so sad when we went to visit her on Thursday and her gogo told us that she was not even there. :( BUT the Lord will still take care of her!

Friday: Zone Meeting! It was our last meeting as a zone before we got changed up at transfers. It was a looonnnnggg meeting, but it was good! My companion bore her testimony which obviously made me cry because I did not want her to go home lol. We had some nice lessons at the chapel and in Retreat. I want to remember to take a picture of our chapel this week. It is super nice! Hopefully I will remember lol.

Saturday: CONFERENCE WOOT WOOT!! So Sister Jili and I got to watch the Women's Session and the Saturday Afternoon Session chete because we had to teach a lesson at 10 a.m., which was when the Saturday Morning Session started. In the Women's Session, my favorite speaker was Bonnie H. Cordon, "Trust in the Lord and Lean Not". On Saturday Afternoon, my favorite speaker was Elder Gary B. Sabin, "Stand Up Inside and be All In." I love conference so much! I can't wait to read all of the talks again. After conference, we found out our transfer news! I AM NOW GOING TO BE COMPANIONS WITH SISTER NDHLOVU!! She is from Zimbabwe and she is the cutest person ever. She is sitting next to me right now!! Anyway after that we had a few more lessons and then had dinner with the District President, President Limo. It was a great transfer!!

Sunday: CONFERENCE AGAIN AMIRITE!! I was so spiritually uplifted today. Can we talk please about these Seventies that had incredible talks?! My favorite Sunday Morning talk was a three-way tie between President Monson, "The Power of the Book of Mormon"; Yoon Hwan Choi, "Don't Look Around, Look Up!"; and President Utchdorf, "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear." Man, I needed to hear that last talk so badly. Life does not even need to have anxiety, guys. Look to the Savior, and it will disappear!! On Sunday Afternoon, my favorite talk was by Elder Joaquin E. Costa, "To the Friends and Investigators of the Church." HOLY COW THAT TALK WAS SO STELLAR!!! I loved it so much. Joaquin in my hero. So after conference we went to the other sister's house for dinner. Can you even imagine that Sister Jili hadn't packed at all yet? But I can't blame her because I am sure when I go home I will be in the same boat. SO around 8 p.m. she started packing and finished by 12:30. I was just watching her like a sad puppy as she packed. I can't even tell you how many times I asked her not to go, BUT her mama misses her!

Monday....Again: So this morning I said goodbye to Sister Jili. Was it the hardest thing I have ever experienced on mission? Yep. Sister Jili is my best friend. I can't even imagine not talking to her everyday. I cried my eyes out when she left me this morning, but I know that she served a good mission and will do incredible things at home, too! PLUS like I said, I have Sister Ndhlovu now! She is so super sweet already. When we saw each other for the first time, we both just looked and each other and yelled, "COMPANION!!" and gave each other a big hug. SHE TOLD ME SHE IS GOING TO TEACH ME MORE SHONA SO BLESSED!! We are excited to take on Bindura together!!!

I am so happy. Even amid lots of change and tears, I wouldn't ask for it to be any other way. I am forever grateful that I got to spend Sister Jili's last 6 weeks with her. I have the Savior on my side, so there is no change that can make me fearful! Sister Ndhlovu and I are going to just party haha. GOSPEL PARTY!!! Anyway, I love you guys, I miss you guys, and I know that the church is true. I hope you are all happy and healthy!!


Sister Lewis

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