Soul Sisters?
Hey guys! This week was incredible! Sister Ndhlovu and I are getting along GREAT!! This week was just crazy and so much happened that we feel like we have been together for longer than a week haha. I am feeling a little tired today and so I might not respond to everyone who emailed me, but for sure next week I will! I am fine, just tired!!
Monday: After I picked up Sister Ndhlovu, we went home and she unpacked. We talked just a little bit and then both passed out because we were so tired!
Tuesday: Would you guys even believe it if I told you that EVERY SINGLE APPOINTMENT that Sister Ndhlovu and I had planned for Tuesday fell through? And EVERY SINGLE BACKUP also fell through? Haha it was crazy. We literally just did not even teach one single lesson, which NEVER HAPPENS!! We went out after District Meeting and walked from like 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and NO ONE WAS HOME!! It was so weird haha. It was a good day, anyway! Sister Ndhlovu was a real champ. I was so worried she would be concerned about the area, but she just went with it. I don't know why it happened, but we just smiled through it all!!
Wednesday: Okay, for sure the Lord made up for Tuesday on Wednesday! We had some POWERFUL lessons and we invited so many people to be baptized. I also got to take Sister Ndhlovu up to Retreat, and she loves it just as much as I do!!
Thursday: Our first weekly planning together! It was good. Preparing for a whole family to be baptized in May, which is so awesome. They are from Retreat, obviously. We saw a bunch of recent converts on Thursday, which is always good. They have such powerful testimonies as newly baptized members of the church!!!
Friday: Today was also powerful day for lessons. We had like 7 lessons or something crazy like that haha. Sister Ndhlovu and I are working!! Can I just tell you how amazing my companion is? On our drive to Retreat (it usually takes us about 20 minutes) she pulls out the missionary handbook and was like, "Do you want to study while we are driving?" So she seriously read me the handbook and then we talked about it AND IT WAS AMAZING. Most spiritual car ride I have ever had on mission? YEP!!! Sister Ndhlovu really pushes me to be a better missionary, and I love it! It was so awesome. WE ARE ENJOYING TOGETHER!!! Also something funny that happened on Friday haha. We have this investigator called Brother Gavvi and he was like, "There is someone who lived near me that wants to see you." So Brother Gavvi lives at the base of this mountain, right? SO SISTER NDHLOVU AND I CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN WITH BROTHER GAVVI TO SEE THIS GUY. It was so cool haha. I took a picture and sent it home of the view from the top. You see that city in between the two mountains? That is Bindura lol. I was blown away.
Saturday: Today was a crazy day. We had some lessons in the morning, and then we were told by our Zone Leaders that all of us had to attend this social media fireside. At first I was like, "For what? We can't even use social media?" But it was actually super good! AND THEN IT STARTED POURING RAIN. I thought the rain season was over, but Bindura's got jokes. We tried to do our best and work through the rain, but it was a bit hectic haha.
Sunday: Happy Easter! Church was awesome in Bindura Branch and then again in Retreat Group. I got to teach the Young Men and Young Women about the life of Jesus Christ, which was awesome. These youth knew so much about their Savior! It was so sweet. It also started to POUR RAIN again, so that was hard.
THIS WEEK WAS SO AWESOME! I literally am so tired I am dying right now haha but I promise I will email you all next week. Forgive me for being less-active in emailing for one week only? THANKS GUYS! I love you all!
P.S. I am learning Shona like crazy from Sister Ndhlovu.
P.P.S. Sister Jili (now Sibahle) is doing good! She got a little sick when she went home, though, so keep her in your prayers for me!
Sister Lewis
Brutus, investigators dog! |
View from the top! |
My cute comp! |
Sister Ndvlova and Me! |
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