Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all set some awesome goals! I did for sure.
So since it is a public holiday today, the internet cafe that we usually email at is closed. I won't be able to send pictures again this week, but I will next week! I have taken a lot of pictures lately, so be prepared!
This week was awesome! Sister Namugenyi and I WORKED!!! We had a lot of lessons, a lot of contacts, and extended a lot of baptismal dates! Gweru is doing good!
So this week I was super curious as to exactly how many people I invited to church in the past 4 months that I have been here. With the help of my companion, I have invited 1,975 people to attend church with me haha. That is a lot! And definitely not all of them have come to church, but I was proud of myself! I am doing my level best to help the people of Gweru come to know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
I can't believe it is already week five of the transfer! WHAT?! I feel like Sister Namugenyi got here yesterday, but we have been together for five weeks! I love her so much! She is so fun haha. We get along really well and I love teaching with her! I pray that I get to stay with her in Gweru for at least one more transfer, but we will see!
Tomorrow we get to go on exchanges in Harare! I am so crazy excited. I haven't gotten the chance to be in Harare very much since I have been here. When I first came, I was in Harare for two days, but only at the mission office. Now I will get a chance to contact and teach some people. Plus, I WILL GET TO SEE SISTER NAFULA AGAIN! I love Sister Nafula like crazy. She has been my STL (Sister Training Leader) ever since I got here on mission. She is so fun and so funny.
So good news! There is this recent convert that Sister Talemwa and Sister Erickson (Talemwa's trainer) baptized called McDean. He is a super cool guy, and he works with us sometimes to help translate into Shona when we need him to. I have been wanting to teach his family forever, and now we are getting the chance to! We are teaching his mom and dad for now, and then when his younger sister and brother come back from holiday we will teach them as well. I love that family SO MUCH! They are incredible human beings. His mom is one of my favorite people in Zimbabwe! I hope that I get to stay for next transfer so I can see them be baptized! Pray for me to stay!
I hope you all have a great week! This year of 2017 will be a great one, I can tell! I love you all! Pictures are coming next week!
Love, Sister Lewis
Love, Sister Lewis
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