Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Christmas and  Merry New Year!

Hey, everyone! I hope you all had an incredible Christmas Day! I know I did!

So I can't even remember anything about this week haha. I was so excited for Christmas that the rest of week was just kind of a blur! I will tell you the few things I remember haha.

On Thursday we had interviews with President Mkhabela, which ended up lasting ALL DAY! We didn't even get to go to our area haha. The whole zone was being interviewed, and the sisters went last. It was so nice to see President again and talk to him one on one! He is one of the most spiritual people I have ever met in my life. His testimony of Jesus Christ is inspiring. 

On Saturday, my district went to a hospital and walked around singing Christmas hymns! It was nice to do some service. We all made matching shirts that say, #LighttheWorld. It was a great spiritually uplifting experience! After the activity, my companion and I went to our area for a few lessons, and then we went to a Christmas party for the Mkoba ward, which is one of the wards in our stake. We sang again Christmas hymns for the members and investigators. It was a fun Christmas Eve! 

Sunday was CHRISTMAS!!! It didn't really feel like Christmas without the snow, though. It was strange haha. It didn't even rain on Christmas, it was just hot! Sister Namugenyi and I went to church, and then we went and proselyted for a few hours! It was fun seeing investigators and members on Christmas. Everyone was trying to feed us haha. At around three o'clock I got to Skype my family! It was SO good to see them all! The thing that surprised me the most was how much my nieces and nephew are growing up! They will be totally different people by the time I get back haha. It was SO GOOD to hear my mom and dad's voices! We ended up staying at the chapel until around nine o'clock so that everyone could finish talking to their families. We were SO hungry by the time that everyone was done! All of the sisters came to our house, and Sister Kayembe cooked us an AWESOME Christmas dinner! It was so yummy! After we ate dinner, we all fell asleep on the floor until the other sisters had to go home. It was a great day!

I am ready and excited to start this week fresh and focus on the work of the Lord. Seeing my family gave me added motivation to help other people understand how they can be with their families forever! I am ready to WORK! 

I hope you all have a great week! I will talk to you next year! Enjoy the last few days of 2016, and don't forget to SET GOALS for 2017! My family told me that for 2017 I need to set a goal of sending more pictures, so I will try to do that haha. 

Ndino Kuddha! ( I love you!)

Love, Sister Lewis

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