Monday, January 16, 2017

Goodbye Gweru!

So...when my transfer news came out on Saturday, I learned that I was being transferred to Kwadzana in HARARE! I think it will be good, but it will be an adjustment for sure! Gweru is a super small town, and Harare is BIG! I feel like I am back in Salt Lake City, which is weird haha. My new companion is Sister Park. She is from California! We are in a car...which will be okay haha. I AM NOT DRIVING SO HALLELUJAH! Our house is far from our area, so we needed a car I guess. There will be a lot of changes this transfer, but they will be good changes, I think! I will enjoy. 

So good news, Sister Namugenyi and I are still living in the same house! I was so excited because we only got to be companions for one transfer, which was not long enough at all. 

I was so sad to leave Gweru today! Yesterday was one of the hardest days I have had on mission. I said goodbye to all of my investigators, members, and recent converts. They all told me how much they were going to miss me! So like I mentioned before, Sister Namugenyi was also transferred to Harare. Gweru is now getting Elders! I am excited for that area to get a change. I think that is just what they needed! All the members said they would miss the sisters, though! 

I will update you more on everything next week. Today I am just kind of in shock haha. I am still super happy and literally SO EXCITED to be here in Harare, but I am still trying to process everything.

As for now, I don't have much to write about since I am just new here in Harare haha. Enjoy some pictures, though! 

LOVE YOU! Toonana next week!

Love, Sister Lewis

One last house selfie

Vicky-the Branch Presidents Cute Cute Daughter

Selfie with me and Lillian, my favorite kid in Gweru

Me with Doba Family, aka my HOME AWAY FROM HOME! Love those people like crazy!

One last selfie with McDean, one of our most recent converts

African Sunset

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