Monday, January 9, 2017

Jenna and Sister Kayembe-she is From the Democratic Republic of the Congo and speaks French!

Jenna and House Mates

Jenna waiting for the Bravo-bus?

Jenna's companion-Sister Namugenyi from Uganda

A cute little girl with a puppy

Powerful News post in Harare

Jenna's favorit "Combi Quotes"

A cute puppy in Jenna's area that loves her!

Jenna's hair after the braids were taken out!

Jenna skyping after Jason and Heather and Kids signed off.

Jenna and Sister Namugenyi

Makadii! ( I finally learned how to spell that right lol) 

So this week was awesome! I have just a little tiny bit of time, so let me try and say everything I wanted to say!

Exchanges! Sister Namugenyi and I got to go on exchanges this week! We traveled 4 hours to Harare by bus and then another 20 minutes by car to get to Chitunguiza! We worked with Sister Hopkins and Sister Nafula. It was SO good to see Sister Nafula again! I got to work with Sister Hopkins all day on Wednesday. She is from Arizona! She drives a car, so we were in the car for the most of the day. I hope I don't drive on my mission haha. You miss so many people that you could talk to on the street! But the bright side is that you can visit people who live in the far corners of your area. There are pros and cons, but I will stick to walking haha. (even though it is not my choice lol) I loved Chitunguiza! I would be very happy to serve there someday. Like Gweru, it is somewhat Suburb I think. It is hard to define things here with American terms. Sister Hopkins is such a good missionary, and I really learned a lot from her! 

It was good to get back to Gweru on Thursday! I was only gone for one full day, but I missed it. When we got back, I told my companion, "It is good to be home!" I was missing Sister Bondo and Sister Kayembe, too! I love my house, my Gweru, and my sistas! Transfer news comes this Saturday, so we will see if I am staying in Gweru or going!
So I realized that every single day I invite people to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it to ask Heavenly Father if it is true. I realized, though, that I never have formally invited those of you who are not members of the church to pray. I was disappointed in myself. How could I go around preaching about how happy this gospel can make others if I don't invite the people that I love back home, as well. So this is my FORMAL INVITATION to all of you who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or who are less active, or even to someone who is struggling with their testimony:

You have all seen through my emails how HAPPY this gospel makes me. I want to share that with you. Will you read the Book of Mormon and pray to ask your Father in Heaven if it is true? I know that if you do so, you will find the same happiness that I have. I love this gospel, and this book. I would lay down my life in defense of the Book of Mormon. Do you see how much it means to me? There is a reason for that. Read it, and see for yourselves. Those of you who are missing me or want some way to feel closer to me - read the Book of Mormon everyday because that is what I do! I know those of you who accept my invitation will be blessed! 

Thank you for letting me invite you, even though you didn't have any choice haha. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to share the reason for my joy in this life with the people that I love the most. 

Have a great week everyone! I love you all! Expect transfer news on Monday!

Love, Sister Lewis

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