Hey Fam-
Sorry for the scare last week haha. I will definitely keep sending group emails. I can't promise that it will happen every single week because different things pop up sometimes that will keep me busy, especially this upcoming new year, but I will do my best!
Monday: After emailing, we went to MLC dinner! MLC stands for Missionary Leadership Council haha I don't think I ever told any of you that. It was a super good dinner! This time I was off the hook for cooking. I just got to enjoy Sister Mkhabela's cooking! It was really fun. All of the people on the council right now are powerful and funny. There is this one elder who just got on the council who reminds me of my best friend, ANDREW HUNT. Hahaha if any of you know Drew, Elder Johnson is like totally his twin! It has been fun getting to be friends with Elder Johnson and all of the other missionaries on the council! MISTAKE #1 this week....All of the sisters on the council (Sister Park, Sister Plothow, Sister Mzunga, and Sister Wells) stayed up until like ONE IN THE MORNING talking nyayas on Monday...oops. Sorry not sorry.
Tuesday: MLC! It was a really powerful MLC this time around. Eish. I liked it a lot. We talked about a lot of the issues that the mission is having and how to solve them. We also set our goal as a mission for the year of 2018. In 2017, there were a little more than 2,000 convert baptisms in Zimbabwe. We set a goal of 2,500 for 2018! I am so pumped to work towards that goal. We had some really good lessons on Tuesday. One of my favorite was with Nigel! We taught him the Restoration with his brother Simba and they really enjoyed it! MISTAKE #2 this week...So Sister Leatu'u and Sister Jeffries came for exchanges this week. They came Tuesday night and we stayed up until twelve thirty in the morning...
Wednesday: Exchanges with Sister Jeffries! It was super fun! We enjoyed way too much ahaha. Sister Jeffries had a raging headache all day, though, which I felt so bad about. She was still so fun and happy to be around, though! We saw a TON of people, too. They slept at our house again that night...MISTAKE #3 this week...we slept at twelve in the morning...
Thursday: GUYS I WAS SO TIRED BY THURSDAY HAHAHAHAHAHA. I was literally dead it was awesome. We did weekly planning and then went out and hit the area! We had a few good lessons, but everyone we taught told us they were going somewhere else for the holidays so that was boring haha. After the area, we got home by like eight or so, closed the day, and then I passed out! #blessed
Friday: Lessons, lessons, lessons! I haven't yet told you guys about Olivia (10) and Yolanda (14)! We found them through Melody (10) who is friends with them. They were SO PREPARED FOR THE GOSPEL YOH. We don't even teach them, they teach us! We give them a pamphlet and they pretty much have it memorized by the time we get there. We taught them about the Word of Wisdom on Friday and they just got it so much. They are getting baptized this Saturday, and I am so pumped! I will send some more pictures of them this week.
Saturday: MISTAKE #4 THIS WEEK...being white...So I got SUPER sunburnt on Saturday hahaha like maybe the most sunburnt I have ever been on mission. We went contacting with the ward missionaries for our Stake Conference this past weekend. We were walking in the direct sunlight for like 4 hours inviting people to come...and I got fried. In my defense, I totally put sunscreen on that day, too. The sun was just too intense. I had kind of a cool experience while we were doing that, though. There was a homeless guy sitting on the street and he was looking pretty rough. It looked like he hadn't bathed in a few weeks. All of the ward missionaries were just walking by him, even though they had contacted every other person we walked by. I stopped in the street as I watched three little girls walk up to the homeless man. They greeted him very respectively, and then they walked away. The Spirit pricked my heart so badly in that moment! I went to invite the man to our stake conference. I found out his name was Luke. We didn't talk too long, but I invited him to sit by me at our conference. He didn't ask for money or food or anything, we just had a nice pleasant conversation as two grown up adults. It was really nice! I will never forget the feeling I had in my heart as I realized I did something the Savior would have done. I didn't judge that man by his appearance. He didn't come to the conference after all, but I will never forget Luke.
Sunday: STAKE CONFERENCE! Oh my gosh Elder Koch from Brazil from the Seventy came and it was amazing! He talked about humility and I loved it so much! I loved the conference and felt the Spirit so much!
Well ladies and gents, this is Sister Talemwa's last Monday in Zimbabwe. She leaves next week Monday in the morning. I am pretty much going to be an emotional wreck, but it is okay! I am praying that my next companion will be Sister Namugenyi again, but we shall see haha! I want to send her home, too lol.
I am excited for Christmas coming up so soon! The time is FLYING. I can't even hold onto it at all.
Have a good week, guys! I recently heard this and I just loved it, "You don't find peace until you love somebody else." CHOKWADI. I think the times I have been happiest in life are the times I have forgotten myself and loved others. Being selfless is the only way to really live, in my opinion.
Sister Lewis