Monday, November 13, 2017


The Adventures of Lewis and Park: THE ENCORE

Guys hahahahaha what even happened this week!? Let me just tell you how my life has been craziness for the past straight 168 hours. Remember how Sister Talemwa was supposed to be my companion? JOKES! 

So after we finished emailing, Sister Talemwa and I went back to the office to pick something up. Our phone had died, so we just weren't even expecting what came next. This transfer, I was supposed to be with Sister Talemwa in Mabvuku, and Sister Plothow was supposed to be with Sister Park in Mbizo, but Sister Plothow got sick. Sister Plothow and I are like best friends so I was so worried about her all week. BUT. We get to the office, and everyone is just looking at me with like anticipation in their eyes. I could tell something weird was up. Sister Plothow pulls me off to the side and was like, "I am sick, so Sister Mkhabela wants me to stay in Harare with Sister Talemwa until I get better. You are going to Mbizo to be with Sister Park." I love Sister Park with all my heart and soul, like honestly we got along so well, but I was freaking out because I was supposed to send my trainer home! So I went and talked to the APs, and they were like, "Yeah, this will just be for the week. We will switch you back when Sister Plothow gets better."


On Tuesday morning, I got up and went to District Meeting with Sister Talemwa and Sister Plothow. Then, I got on BRAVO! Bravo is not fun haha. It was a three hour bus ride to Kwekwe. What did I do? Missionary work, of course! I sat next to this guy on the bus and we started talking about life in general for the first like twenty minutes, and then we just started talking about religion and I taught him about the Book of Mormon. It was a great conversation. His name was Abraham. He lives in Bulawayo, which was like another 3 hour ride after Kwekwe, so I left him with some things to read. When I got to Mbizo (same thing as Kwekwe), we went to teach some lessons. YOH I missed Sister Park SO BAD! This whole entire week we slept at like 12:30 every night because we were just talking and catching up on life. 

Wednesday was a good day! We had a lot of fall through lessons, but we found a lot of people to teach anyway. I got a break off of driving this week KIND OF (see Sunday for details), which was super nice. 

Thursday we did Weekly Planning and went to the area. Again, some fall through appointments, but we found really great people to teach. Heavenly Father was just trying to make me work realllyy hard in Kwekwe. 

Friday we had baptismal interviews and we worked in the area. Friday night, Sister Park started to feel a bit sick. She woke up with a fever, but she just drank water and went back to sleep.

Saturday Sister Park was feeling WAY WORSE, but we had three baptisms, so she toughed it up and we got to see ONISIMO, PRINCE, AND YASSINE get baptized! I hardly even knew them at all, but it was still so fun to see them get baptized! Cute kids. They are all like 14, 13, and 11 year old boys. Super nice kids. Great future missionaries one day, especially Onisimo! After the baptism, we tried to teach a few more lessons, but then Sister Park decided she needed to call Sister Mkhabela to get permission to go home and sleep. She slept for quite a few hours, so I just packed my stuff nicely, cooked dinner, and read to keep myself busy. She was way worse at night, so on Saturday night, Sister Mkhabela told me that I needed to drive Sister Park to Harare the next morning.

Sunday we did not even go to church at all because church starts at 9:30 in Mbizo and we had to be in Harare by 12:30 for the doctors appointment, which means we were supposed to leave around 9. It was soooooo weird not taking the sacrament. I think that is the first time this whole entire year that I did not take the sacrament. The drive up to Harare was SO beautiful! I had to drive since Sister Park was sick, but I actually really enjoyed it. I miss long car trips. We get to the doctor's office around 12 for our appointment, but he wasn't there yet. HE DID NOT SHOW UP UNTIL LIKE 2. Eish. We sat at the hospital all day and poor Sister Park was just sleeping. She has a stomach infection, so they gave her antibiotics and she should be good to go.

SO today I am emailing you from Harare! Can you even feel how much drama my week had? I didn't even mention all of it haha. We still aren't even sure today who is going to Kwekwe and who is staying behind because Sister Plothow is at the doctor right now getting some results. EISH. Living out of a suitcase is not nice.

Amid all the drama, though, I had a good week. I really enjoyed being with Sister Park again. I hope I get to finish the transfer with my mission mother, though!

Pray for me to just have a normal week, please haha.

LOVE YOU ALL. Have a great week!

Sister Lewis
First picture with new SD card!

Onisimo, Prince, Yassine

Clinic Chillin'

Sleepy Compa

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