Monday, November 6, 2017



Want to hear the worst news of my life? My SD card broke almost last week. I am going to like copy all the pictures onto a flash before it breaks for sure...BUT I DIDN'T GET TO TAKE ANY PICTURES AT ALL THIS WEEK. Thank the heavens because I had the spirit of prophecy (jokes) and asked my mom to send me a new SD card a few weeks let me just wait patiently. When a camera is the literal only technology you have in your life as a missionary, and you can't use it, life feels different. Shame, guys. Pray for me. 

KUNZIMA EMLHABENI. (Life is hard) Sister Dyantyisi is going home TOMORROW and I am not okay with it. I literally cried the whole entire day yesterday. She and I got waaayyyy to close and I just feel like she is taking my right arm with her to South Africa. I don't even know how to live. Eish. This is definitely the most painful goodbye I have ever had on mission. Except I am expecting another one that will be terrible next transfer because GUESS WHAT?!

SISTER TALEMWA IS MY NEW COMPANION!!! Can you even believe it?! I am with my trainer again! She is in her last six weeks, so after this transfer together she will go home. She was my first companion, and I will be her last companion! To some of you, it might not seem like a very big deal, but it is actually super rare that two people are companions more than one time. And it is almost NEVER that a person gets to be with their trainer again. Are we lucky or what?!

The only thing that is actually super sad is that I got transferred away from Zengeza. Now I am in Mabvuku, which is still in Harare. I cried when I found out I was being transferred. 12 weeks was not enough! But I am excited for Mabvuku. It will be my first ward on mission! I am too used to surprises now. 

My last week in Zengeza was good! MLC was a huge success, especially the dinner. This time, it was just Sister Dyantyisi, Sister Mkhabela, and I cooking, and it was super fun. We really enjoyed. 

I can't even tell you how many times this happens, but this week while we were teaching this guy, he was like, "Yeah, I am a pastor." I have taught a lot of pastors in my time haha. 9 times out of 10, though, they just want to take our teachings to their church. Shamwari.Prease prease. 

We taught Dixon about the temple this week! It was a cool lesson. He should be getting baptized next week, but we will see. Since both of the sisters who are going to be in Zengeza this transfer are new, it is going to be REALLY HARD for them to balance out trying to learn the area and keep all the investigators we have and stuff like that. Pray for them, please. 

As usual, Robson was just slaying us this week haha. He doesn't swear these days, but he is just such a funny person. I will miss him :(

We had a table contacting activity with the branch this past week. It was cool! We just set up a table outside of a grocery store, threw some bibs on, and put out pamphlets and a whole bunch of people came! We got a lot of new people to teach. 

Okay let me share with you the story of Ranga, since I didn't get to last week. Remember how I said it was super cold for a few days last week? So on Saturday, we had planned to see this guy Lincoln, but he was running a little bit late. We decided to walk around in the street and invite people to church. It started sprinkling a little bit, but we didn't mind. We were walking past this house of guys digging a REALLY DEEP PIT, and I greeted the guys. I asked them if I could come help clear some of the dirt, and they said yes. Everyone, including my companion, thought I was joking. I can't even really explain it properly, but I had to walk around the edge edge of this huge pit. My companion refused to come help because she thought she would fall in hahaha. So then I took a shovel and just started helping them. I think I spent a solid 15 minutes shoveling dirt. While I dug, we talked about why we are here as missionaries, and Ranga invited us to his house to teach him and his family! He said that he doesn't go to church because he can't agree with any of the doctrines, but he wanted us to come and see him. Miracles come by working hard, hey?

So now I am ready for Mabvuku! I think it might be my last area before I go home, but we shall see. Mission has taught me to expect the unexpected. 

Love you guys! I hope you have a great week!

I love you, Dyantyisi! Travel safe, shamwari. 

Sister Lewis

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