Monday, December 4, 2017


Hey Fam!

What a fabulous week! Eish time is FLYING with Sister Talemwa. We are having way too much fun together hahaha. I can't believe she goes home in two weeks. Pakaipa! 

Monday: We didn't do much after emailing y'all, just shopped for food and taught some lessons! Did you guys know we teach on Mondays? We do! Go us!

Tuesday: Sister Talemwa's last District Meeting! We have MLC and the Christmas Devotional, so this was her last District Meeting! Of course she gave the doctrinal study haha. On Tuesday we helped this Gogo wash her clothes and it was super fun. Sister Talemwa does service like nobody's business. I missed doing it with her! We had some super good lessons on Tuesday, as well. 

Wednesday: Lessons allllll dayy. We taught Shakira and Beyonce all in the same day, so if you don't call that a success, I don't know what to tell you at this point hahaha. Shakira is a recent convert, and Beyonce is getting baptized next month! We also did some service on Wednesday! I played with this HUGE group of kids for a little bit. They taught me some cool songs, and I even learned what the colors on the Zimbabwean flag mean from this little girl. I will try to send the video! 

Thursday: Interviews with President! Which means we spent almost the whole day just sitting at the chapel haha. It was super fun, though, because the whole zone was there and they are all CRAZY. It made me realize how old I am on mission, though...yoh. I was just sitting watching all these new missionaries go crazy and talk to each other and laugh and have fun and Sister Talemwa and I were just kind of sitting there like eish we don't even know half of these people haha. It was really fun, though. I found out WAYYY TOO LATE IN MY MISSION that my camera has a Fish Eye Effect, so I was taking really terrible pictures of everyone and making them look pretty much obese and it was awesome. 

Friday: #LIGHTTHEWORLD "Freely ye have received, freely ye shall give." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a Christmas initiative where they pretty much just encourage people to do something different every single day to serve someone else. It is super fun! Sister Talemwa and I are super diligent in doing it haha. So for me, I bought some beef jerky at the store (different than American beef jerky) and I gave it to another sister missionary who was really in need of some food, but was nowhere close to getting it.  We had some amazing lessons on Friday, too!

Saturday: #LIGHTTHEWORLD "I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink" I may have carried two twenty liter buckets of drinking water on my head for this lady who was carrying was awesome haha. We had a bunch of fall-through lessons on Saturday, but it was okay because the other days of the week were so powerful. 

Sunday: #LIGHTTHEWORLD "It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath" Sister Talemwa and I washed dishes for two different families! It was super fun. Church was amazing! Fast Sunday is always my favorite! I told the Primary children last week if they all invited a friend to church, I would bake them a cake. THEY TOTALLY DID IT. So now I owe them cake hahah. Kids are too powerful. 

It was a great week! It went by SO fast. Sister Talemwa and I were like, "what the heck. It is Monday already?" So yeah. It is not even fair how fast time is going by. Sorry for the terrible emails, I am so tired of emailing most of the time haha. 14 months is a looonnnnggg time to communicate through email only! I might not do my group emails every week starting next transfer, but I will really try to get the motivation haha. 

I love you all and I hope you have a great week! #lighttheworld

Sister Lewis
Olivia, Yolanda, Kelin

Crazy Braid Hair!


Rings 4 Days
Sunday Besst

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