Monday, November 20, 2017


Calm down, calm down hahahaha. Everyone emailed me this week being like, "I hope you are okay!" I have said it to a bunch of people individually, but I also want to say it in my group email, DON'T WORRY! Honestly, Zimbabwe is such a safe country that even though all of this crazy stuff is happening, I still feel safer here than in some parts of the very country I come from haha. There has not been any violence. We are so safe! They had us stay inside one day when everything was starting and they weren't quite sure what was up, but every single day after that we have been allowed to proselyte with no problem! As missionaries, we are not allowed to give our opinions on the politics and stuff, so I am not going to say much about it, but don't even be worried for me at all. I feel NO fear. I am just enjoying mission! Let me tell you about my week!
Monday: We went to take Sister Park to the doctor's office so they could tell us what was wrong with her, and they just said it was a stomach infection. She has been taking pills for the past week and when I checked up on her today, she is totally fine and doing well! Thank you for all the prayers for her. Sister Plothow is also better from her sickness. Monday was my 14 months on mission mark! Time FLIES. What the heck. I am coming home in four months SOS. 

Tuesday: Since we were in Harare, we went to District Meeting with Sister Talemwa and Sister Plothow, which was like my correct district anyway haha. We got the BEST NEWS EVER on Tuesday that Sister Plothow was going back with Sister Park to Mbizo. I was SUPER HAPPY to be with Sister Park for a week in Mbizo, but the Spirit just kept telling me over and over again while I was there that I was not in the right area with the right companion. It really helped me strengthen my testimony that transfers are SO inspired! As soon as I got in my area and was teaching my own investigators with my own companion, all of the drama that had happened and the stress I was feeling just went away! It was awesome. 

Wednesday: We got a text telling us to just stay home while the mission was trying to figure out how safe it was and stuff like that. Sister Talemwa and I CLEANED our house super nicely, we had a photo shoot just for fun, and we did our weekly planning! Pretty boring day, for the most part. Both of us just wanted to be out in the area teaching lol.

Thursday: Hahahahaha so Sister Talemwa and I did some service on Thursday. We have this recent convert who needed help clearing her field to plant chibage (corn), so we went and did that. CLEARING A FIELD IS TERRIBLE. I was just pulling huge weeds all day with my hands because they only had two hoes and there were four of us. Of course they didn't give me the hoe because I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY lol.  We also had some great lessons!

Friday: Teach, teach, teach, baptismal interviews, teach! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JASON AND HEATHER! 10 YEARS WOOT WOOT!

Saturday: Baptism for Patrick and Kundisai! Powerful people with powerful testimonies! Then lessons lessons lessons.

Sunday: THE WARD IS AMAZING. Guys. I have never been in a ward on mission. They are so powerful. I love them. They were super welcoming and excited to have me.

Pretty much I am the happiest person ever! Sending my trainer home in a GREAT area is amazing! I love you all so much. Thank you for all the love and concern and prayers. See you next week!

Love, Sister Lewis
Decorating for Xmas

Part 2

Photoshoot pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

Pt 4


Ice from freezer lol

Paper Cranes




Sass Master

Mad Love

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