Monday, November 14, 2016

Masqerasei, Shamwaris! (Good Afternoon, friends!)

This has been another incredible week in the land of Zimbabwe!

So I thought I would start the week off with a funny story. Last week, after we finished up emailing, we went to our Branch Mission Leader's house for Family Home Evening. It is the same family that we saw that Sunday, too, for Sister Talemwa's birthday. So Brother Shenjere (Branch Mission Leader) has a 5 year old niece who lives with him and his mom. She ate a TON of food at dinner. After, while we were all cleaning up and talking, she came and laid on the couch. I was sitting on the floor at the time, right by the couch she was laying on. All of the sudden, she turns and PUKES ALL OVER ME. We were DEAD LAUGHING. Sister Talemwa, Brother Shenjere, and I were laughing so hard we couldn't even clean up the mess for a solid five minutes. Lilian felt SO BAD that she threw up on me, but I really didn't care. It was the end of the day, and we were just going home after dinner with them. I still laugh when I think about it. Missions are powerful, you guys!

You guys remember that guy I was telling you about last week who had a huge change of heart? HE IS STILL PROGRESSING SO WELL! We love that guy like crazy. He is so excited about the gospel. He told us that his only regret was that it took him 60 years to figure out the true gospel!!! He is so excited about Joseph Smith and reading the Book of Mormon. The gospel changes people for real, you guys. SO MUCH! Even me. I am 200% sure that I am a totally different person than I used to be. I am glad that I have been able to see the changes in myself, as well as in my investigators. 

Being a missionary is so cool guys. So yesterday was Fast Sunday, right? Sister Talemwa and I were talking about how crazy people who didn't have the gospel would think we are. Voluntarily, my companion and I refrained from eating and drinking all day yesterday until 8 o'clock in the evening. We went to church from 9-12 and then walked around all day in the heat teaching people with empty stomachs. IT WAS SUCH A HUGE BLESSING! Fasting is so cool. I love doing it! I feel the blessings that come every time I fast. To even have the strength the whole day to teach the gospel to people without eating or drinking anything is evidence of the blessings that we are given for fasting. I read my scriptures that night after we got home, and I understood my scriptures SO WELL! I understood everything that I came across. It was a huge blessing. 

I am doing well! I wish I could think of cool things to tell you guys about Zimbabwe, but since I live here and this is my normal life now, I can't think of anything being cool or weird haha. OH! Here is a good one! The other day I took a combi that was supposed to legally seat five people, including the driver. We had ELEVEN PEOPLE in the car hahaha. There was the driver in his seat, two people in the front seat, four people in the backseat, three children and and adult in the trunk. I was dead laughing the whole time haha. Zimbabwe is so legit. 

This week I also got to do some cool service! There is a Reverend who is investigating in our church and we offered to come and dig and weed in his field. He has a small garden with some different foods in there, so Sister Talemwa and I dug around in the garden and did weeding. I think it is the first time in my life I have actually used a garden hoe haha. It was so cool. Sister Talemwa's family back home has a bunch of HUGE farms, so she was in her element. She taught me how to be a better farmer! The things I am learning in Zimbabwe guys haha I will be pretty well rounded when I get home!

I miss you all! Hope you have a good week! Toonana! (See you!)
Love, Sister Lewis

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