Monday, November 21, 2016

Promises, Prayers, and Pig Feet

Masqer asi, shamwaris! (Good Afternoon, friends!)

I had a great week here in the land of Zimbabwe! Gweru is great as usual! The rains are still coming down over here, but usually only at night time. I haven't been drenched...yet!

Promises - Sister Talemwa and I had another baptism this week! Let's call him Charles; he is 58 years old. So Charles met with missionaries THREE years ago for the first time! They gave him the Book of Mormon, and he read it through twice, but he never prayed about it. Sister Talemwa and I have been meeting with him since the beginning of my time here in Zimbabwe, but Sister Talemwa even met with him when she was still being trained by Sister Erickson. We had taught him and his wife the Restoration almost every time we met with them because they were confused about a few things. They were not progressing, and Sister Talemwa and I knew that we probably needed to stop seeing them soon. We bore powerful testimonies to Charles and his wife, invited them to be baptized, and then left them knowing that we would only come back one more time before we had to drop them. When we came back for the last time, we were SHOCKED at what Charles had to tell us. He told us that he prayed, and he knew that our church was the ONLY true church in the world. He had previously been going to a Methodist church for his whole life, but after that day that he prayed, he never went back. Yesterday, Charles was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have never seen a happier man. He is so, SO excited about the gospel. He loves learning. Something else incredible about Charles was that he had a problem with smoking. He smoked about 20 cigarettes per day. After we taught him about the Word of Wisdom, he cut back to ONE cigarette per day! He is following the Word of Wisdom with all his might, and smoking is no longer a problem for him! Charles is one of my favorite people ever. He always asks Sister Talemwa and I, "Is is too selfish if I ask you to come twice this week?" He is such a cool guy. The coolest part, though, is that he made covenants with his Heavenly Father this week. Charles has entered into the path of eternal life!

Prayers - This week we had a lot of fall through appointments. These are normal in missionary life, but Sister Talemwa and I were a little bummed about it. We turned to prayer and were comforted. Heavenly Father asks all of us to be patient in all things. I find patience a lot easier when I use prayer ALL DAY! 

Pig Feet - Yesterday, the Branch President's wife (Sister Kwenda) made us pig trotters! It was actually surprisingly really good. I would eat it again for sure haha. I tried my hardest to just not think about what I was eating haha. They really don't waste any part of the animal here! I have now eaten intestines and hooves! What a powerful country!

I am starting the Book of Mormon over again, and I am so excited about it. I read it during my first month here, and then I read Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. Now I read Jesus the Christ in the morning (best book ever holy cow) and the Book of Mormon at night. I could not live without my scriptures wowowow. 

I hope you all have a great week! I love you and keep you in my prayers. Don't forget to pray! 

Love, Sister Lewis

P.S. Gweru is getting SO beautiful! These trees with the red flowers on them are everywhere!
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