Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hey, everyone! 

So this group letter today is going to be crazy short and boring because I am super tired today and nothing very eventful happened this week haha.

Tuesday - We had District Meeting! I love District Meeting. I was laughing so hard because one of the elders shared a scripture about increasing the beauty of Zion...he was telling us all to baptize wakanakas (beautiful people). Some boys never change, you know? We were all laughing so hard though. It was just the joke that we all needed to start off the week well.

Wednesday - Sister Talemwa and I met this CRAZY AWESOME lady by accident (though nothing ever happens by accident, does it?). So she was a nurse for a long time, but she got this sickness that made her have to amputate both of her legs. She is a really devoted church goer, so every Sunday she WALKS on her prosthetic legs to get a combi to her church. A few weeks ago, a combi driver didn't see her and hit her with his combi. He ran over her hand. The whole time she was telling us this story about her life, she was telling us about the gratitude she has for her Father in Heaven. I learned so much from that lady. Wow I loved meeting her. How many people do you meet without their legs and the use of one hand who says she is grateful for everything that God has given her? It made me realize that I never have anything to complain about!

Thursday - I didn't even realize it was Thanksgiving until 8:00 p.m. I ate cereal for dinner because my companion and I didn't feel like cooking lol. 

Friday - We got to visit one of my favorite families in the ward. Their name is the Mhuri's. In Shona the word Mhuri means family lol so whenever I say Mhuri Family I always giggle a little to myself because I am just saying, "Family Family." The things that make me happy are so dumb sometimes haha

Saturday - It rained on Sister Talemwa and I all day! It was so fun haha. We ate chibage (corn) before we left our area and it was like heaven to eat something hot when we were so cold! 

Sunday - The Sabbath is always a good day! It was especially good because we spent almost the whole day visiting members and asking for referrals. They fed us a lot of food on Sunday 🙌😍 Also I have been spending the past two weeks in Primary because as much as I love Relief Society...I was missing having children in my life! I LOVE playing with those Primary kids! They love Sister Lewis, too!

Guys really this week was so good, but I am drawing a blank as what to say haha. Transfers are this week, so the next time I write a blog post I will have a new companion, probably. I also could possibly be leaving Gweru, but maybe not! We will see! I will miss Sister Talemwa like CRAZY!

Have a great week! Say your prayers and read your scriptures! I am on my second time through the Book of Mormon on mission and I am loving it. I have the worst memory, so every time I read it, it is like I am reading it for the first time! Haha it is awesome.

I love you guys! I will see you in December!

Love, Sister Lewis

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