THE RAINS CAME TUMBLING DOWN! It finally rained in Zim for REAL! The sky was dumping buckets of water on Friday! We didn't even get to leave the house at all because it was raining ALL DAY! That won't usually happen, though. We definitely get to proselyte during the rainy season, but Friday was just not safe. AFRICAN LIGHTENING AND THUNDER IS SUPER SCARY AND SUPER COOL! I was telling my trainer Sister Talemwa how much I loved the thunder and lightening that was happening, and she was like, "Companion, African lightening is scary! People die! So don't go outside, okay?!" And I was like, "Oh, shoot. Yeah. I'll stay in and watch!"
Another beautiful week in Zimbabwe! This week was kind of crazy, but it was fun!
Monday - Just a P-Day like usual! We got to go to a member's house for Family Home Evening again, but I didn't get thrown up on this time 😋
Tuesday- Zone Meeting! It was so nice to see all of the elders in our zone! We only get to see the ones that live far about once a month, so it was cool to see them all again. I got to see Elder Barrus (missionary from my hometown), since he is in my zone, and we had fun talking about Viewmont and people from back home. It is so fun just to all get together and talk about how we can all help each other and our investigators.
Wednesday - Normal proselyting day! We had some cool lessons, but nothing crazy happened haha.
Thursday - Exchanges! Sister Nafula and Sister Ngwenya came and did exchanges with Sister Talemwa and I! I got to work with Sister Ngwenya on Thursday. She is a powerful missionary! I learned a lot from her and had a really fun time walking around with her. It was cool because it was the first time I was like the senior companion in my area! I DIDN'T EVEN GET LOST! It was a miracle.
Friday - Like I said before, the rains kept us inside. I was super bummed because Sister Nafula was supposed to be my companion for the day on Friday and she is one of my favorite people! She is from Uganda like my companion, and she is so hilarious. We studied all day and had some REALLY COOL gospel discussions! It was powerful.
Saturday - Normal proselyting day! I had missed my companion! It was so nice to teach with Sister Talemwa once more!
Sunday - Church! Sundays are always our busiest days. We leave the house at 8 a.m. to make it to church, and then after church we proselyte all day until like 6. Yesterday, we had dinner with a family in our ward, so the zone leaders came and picked us up from our area at like 8! We were in our area ALL DAY LONG! We were so tired!
So pretty much everyone and their dog is asking me if I knew Donald Trump was voted President. I didn't actually find out for myself until yesterday. I had no idea! Everyone has an opinion about that guy haha. It is funny, though, because no one in Zim knows the actual political stances of Trump and Clinton, they just don't like Trump because they say he is racist. Either way, I don't really care about all of that because I am in Zimbabwe preaching the gospel! I have heard that there have been some riots, though, so I hope you guys all stay safe there in America! I am blessed to be on the other side of the world right now haha.
I love you all! I hope you have an incredible week! Don't forget to read your scriptures and say your prayers! Toonana! (See you!)
Sister Lewis
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