Masquerasei, Shamwaris! (Good Afternoon, friends!)
This email is going to be suuuupppperrrr short because I accidentally forgot I needed to write a group email and I have like ten minutes left haha. I am still doing well in the land of Zimbabwe! I have a ton of investigators right now! We are teaching all different kinds of people from Rastafarians all the way down to Presbyterian Pastors! The biggest lesson I have learned in Zimbabwe is that we should NEVER judge who we share the gospel with. We need to share the gospel with everybody because you never know who has been prepared.
Sister Talemwa and are doing great! She is my best friend haha. She takes care of me like a mother takes care of a child! When I get home, I am always so tired and I try to just lay on my bed. She always pulls me off and makes me wash my feet before I get my sheets dirty. She is truly a Christ-like person. When I am incredibly tired, she washes my feet for me. I am humbled by her example. She knows how to serve people!
I will send a longer email next week! Sorry guys. I am happy and healthy, though! I hope you are all doing well. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, and keep the commandments. I PROMISE it makes life easier. I KNOW it makes life easier! There is no way I would've survived in Zimbabwe without prayer.
If everything goes well, and according to the Lord's Will, Sister Talemwa and I will be baptizing someone on Saturday! I will let you know. Love you guys!
P.S. I ate chicken intestines this week and it was SO GOOD! They just like fried them up and it was powerful, guys. Really powerful.
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