ODISEI SHAMWARIS (what's up friends)
Hey guys! Another Monday has crept up on me! I can't believe how quickly this week went by. I feel like I emailed you all yesterday haha.
This week was a party and a half! I know my blogs are always really disorganized, so I apologize. I always promise to do better in my group emails, but I don't haha. It seems like you are all enjoying them, though, so that is good!
Tuesday was pretty much a normal day, but we had district meeting in the morning. In district meeting we pretty much just go over all of the indicators for the week, like how many people we taught, baptized, contacted, etc.
Wednesday was a totally normal day, so there is not much to say about that haha.
Thursday we had weekly planning in the morning. We pretty much just take two hours and plan the whole upcoming week. We talk about all of our investigators and how to best help them that week. Then we were in our area only until four thirty because we had to leave for Bulawayo! This week our Sister Training Leaders, Sister Nafula (Uganda) and Sister Stegelmeier (Idaho Falls) brought us to their area to do exchanges with us! Bulawayo is two hours away from Gweru by bus. We left Gweru at six, and I was so sad to leave even just for the night. Gweru has really become my home! We got there at eight and pretty much just had a party with the sisters in Bulawayo haha. Not a real party, but we got to talk all night with Sisters Nafula, Stegelmeier, Anyango, and Burt. It was so fun talking to some different people!
Friday was exchanges! I left Sister Talemwa (I was so nervous and bummed to leave her haha) and I was a companion for the day with Sister Stegelmeier. We did all the same things that we do in our area, but with a Sister Training Leader so they can tell us how to improve our teaching skills. Bulawayo is HOT. Dang it was so hot that day haha. We taught a lot of people, though! And since it was us two murungu girls (white girls) walking down the street together, a lot of people stopped us and wanted to talk. It was the easiest contacting day I have ever had haha. Sister Steg said she really enjoyed teaching with me, and that I am a powerful missionary. AHH!! YAAS! I was so happy haha. She had a few little corrections for me, but she said I was doing really well! I was so excited.
Saturday we came home from Bulawayo in the morning and then went right to the town chapel to watch the Saturday sessions of General Conference with our "stake". HOLY COW GUYS CONFERENCE WAS POWERFUL! I was hanging onto every word that was said. I think my favorite talk came from D. Todd Christofferson about Divine Love. It was amazing! After watching the first session of conference, this lady came up to us holding the CUTEST BABY I have EVER SEEN. She is 8 months old and the absolute fattest baby ever. She is so fat. It makes me happy. So I was gushing to this lady about her baby forever. I miss babies in my life. I need my nieces and nephew to fly to Zimbabwe really fast.
Sunday was the Sunday sessions of conference and also the Women's General Session. Wow, those talks were amazing! Every single part of conference was SO GOOD. I was writing notes like crazy and adding my investigators names next to what I wanted to share with them. I was supposed to bring my notebook today so I could share some stuff with you guys, but I totally forgot it. Oops. Sorry guys!
Today is Monday! We spent this morning cleaning our house. Every Monday we clean our house sooo well. Sister Talemwa and I went to the salon together to get her hair done, and then we went to lunch. I ate sadza and beef! It was super yummy.
Well, there you are! That was my week! I can't think of anything else that I need to tell you guys, so I will just end with a spiritual thought:
One of the times that I felt the Spirit most in conference was when on Saturday afternoon the missionary choir sang, "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go". My favorite verse reads, "So trusting my all to Thy tender care, and knowing Thou lovest me, I'll do Thy will with a heart sincere, I'll be what You want me to be." Faith is essential in our lives. We need to trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ perfectly. They know what we need so much better than we do. They will take care of us. Never forget that we are loved by Heavenly Beings! I know that my Savior lives and loves me, and that is why I am able to serve in Zimbabwe. Forget the food, forget the culture differences, forget the language barrier, forget everything. I KNOW that I can be a good missionary because I trust in my Savior. I know that He loves me, and that is what gets me through every single day here. I am HAPPY because I know that I am loved. I feel joy every single day. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love being a missionary. I'll be who my Savior wants me to be. I wouldn't want to be anybody else, and I hope you feel the same.
I love you all so much! I keep you in my prayers. Don't forget to read your scriptures and say your prayers!
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