Hey guys!
Man I don't even know what to write to you about this week! As a missionary I really just live day to day haha. I forget about the previous day and the cool things that happened.
Sister Talemwa and I had a miracle this week! We have this investigator who is 59 years old. He has been going to his church for his whole life, and he was really dedicated to it. He has gone through a few sets of missionaries. We visited him quite a few times, but we weren't really getting very far with him. He always read the pamphlets we gave him, though, and he has read the Book of Mormon three times in his course of meeting with the missionaries. He never prayed about the Book of Mormon, though, or if the church was true. One day, Sister Talemwa and I both bore really powerful testimonies to him that we knew the church was true. Sister Talemwa told him that the only way he would know if the church was true was if he prayed about it. She also made a really powerful statement that was personal to his journey in the gospel. So we left the lesson thinking that we would have to drop him as an investigator. We told each other we wanted to see him one more time, though. On Saturday, we both felt prompted to go and visit him. We sat down in his home, and he told us that he believed that our church was the only true church because he had prayed about it. Sister Talemwa and I were shocked! We knew he could get an answer if he prayed, but we were not sure that he would. He went from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds! He came to church the next day, and is planning to be baptized this month! The Spirit is incredible. As soon as you open your heart with a true desire to know the truth, the Spirit will bear testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true!
I also had a cool experience with one of the members in our branch. There is a 20 year old guy that we have seen a few times now who told us he wants to go on a mission, but he didn't know if he would be strong enough to serve a mission. Sister Talemwa and I told him how much Heavenly Father has changed us as we served missions. I am so different than I was when I was at home! We read for him Ether 12:27 and talked about how whatever weaknesses we have, we can overcome them if we have faith and humility. Who knows if he will serve a mission or not, but it was a cool time for Sister Talemwa and I to realize how incredible the changes that have taken place in our hearts are.
Before I became a missionary, I had a lot of different anxieties in my life. I was scared of a lot of things. The moment I was set apart, though, I felt this amazing peace. I have not had anxiety about anything since I have been on my mission. There is not anything I am scared of anymore because I have a great understanding of who my Savior is and what He did for me. I am not even afraid of the huge spiders that crawl around our house every day and I am not even kidding haha. It may be a small and silly thing, but guys, I am not even scared of spiders anymore haha. I am not scared of having weaknesses, either, because I know that we have weaknesses for a reason, and that Heavenly Father can make them strengths! Don't live in fear, you guys! Have peace in this life through the gospel.
Sorry this has been a boring email, but I am dead tired haha and my brain is elsewhere. Sister Talemwa's birthday was yesterday so we are celebrating today and my mind is on the celebrations we have planned! I will add some pictures to make up for it.
Have a good week! I love you all and miss you! Read your scriptures and say your prayers!
Love, Sister Lewis
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