Monday, October 24, 2016

Uri Sei, Shamwaris! (What's up, friends?)

Okay, so this weeks email will be a bit of serious, a bit of silly, and a bit of sad. Hold tight, and enjoy the ride!

Transfer 1 is over! What the heck?! Where did the time go? I do not even feel at all like I have been in Zimbabwe for 6 weeks. I am so sad that the time went by so fast because that means I only get 6 more short weeks with my beloved trainer, Sister Talemwa. Have I ever told you guys that I love her? Because I do a whole lot. She is an angel. I will definitely cry when she has to leave me. She will leave at the end of Transfer 2 we are pretty sure, but I will probably stay in Gweru (yay!). We shall see! I have 6 weeks before I need to start thinking about it, but I always get ahead of myself. 

I HAD MY FIRST BAPTISM THIS WEEK! I didn't want to tell you guys until I was very sure it was going to happen because Zimbabweans can be unpredictable at times. IT HAPPENED THOUGH! I am so incredibly happy. There is no better feeling than knowing that somebody entered into the waters of baptism with my help. So this particular guy was really special. His wife, daughter, and son have recently been baptized. One Sunday, he showed up to church with his wife and approached us. He said, "I want to be with my family forever, please help me get baptized." Sister Talemwa and I were so happy! This guy understood the importance of families, and he wanted his family to be united in religion. We meet with him for a few weeks. He understood everything we taught him beautifully. He always keep our reading commitments. After he was baptized, he gave a beautiful testimony about how he cannot wait to learn more about the gospel. The church is true, you guys. It just is. This is the Church of Jesus Christ established on the earth. Christ lives and loves each one of us perfectly. There will never be a greater feeling than watching someone discover their Heavenly Heritage. This past Saturday, I truly helped a blessed soul come unto Christ. How blessed I am to be a missionary.

This week, I also had an experienced that humbled me more than I will ever be able to say. As we were walking around, I had this impression that we needed to see a certain investigator of ours. This lady is one of my best friends here in Zimbabwe. She would have been baptized long ago, but she is not yet legally married. This amazing woman has had an incredibly hard life. Due to privacy reasons, I will not disclose all of the things that she struggles with, but let me tell you, I could not personally handle all of the things this woman has been through. A few days previously, her struggles came to a peak. As we sat in her one room concrete home, of which she sleeps on the floor with her three children, she told us that a few days previously, she watched as her life fell to pieces. I cried as I listened to her tell her story. Immediately, I read for her Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-9. I promised her that Sister Talemwa and I would always be here for her, and then a grown woman sobbed in my arms. As we were leaving, I felt spiritually impressed to leave five dollars behind. Without her noticing, I hid those few dollars under a blanket. I personally wanted to leave more behind, but the Spirit whispered to me, "Five dollars." A few days later, she came to church. Tears filled her eyes as she thanked Sister Talemwa and I for what we did, even though we tried to deny it was us. 

That day, I learned that it was not the amount of money that was important. What was important was that this beloved sister understood that she has a Heavenly Father who loves her. I am sure in the worldly sense, my five dollars will do very little for this lady. In the spiritual sense, however, I am sure that it did a lot. The Spirit is very powerful. We need to follow the promptings of the Spirit at all times because we never know the impact it will have on someone. 

Brothers and Sisters, we have a Father in Heaven who loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for me. I have a strong testimony that no matter what we are going through in our life, we will survive because of a Savior Who loved us to sacrifice His own life, even though He was perfect. The times when we feel like we can't pray is the time when it is most important to get on our knees. Life is hard, but it is so much easier when we use the Atonement. This gospel means more to me than I will ever be able to put into words. I know that it is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God who translated the Book of Mormon. I know that this church is the same church with the same authority that Jesus Christ Himself set up while He was on the earth. I would not be in Zimbabwe if I didn't know that these things are true. I leave my humble testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I love you all! Have a good week!

Sister Lewis 

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