Odisei, shamwaris! (What's up, friends?)
*Disclaimer - Anything I send to you in Shona in my emails is probably, definitely spelled wrong haha. I just guess*
My computer in the internet cafe is giving me a really hard time today, so sorry if this email isn't very long!
What a great week in the land of Zimbabwe! Everyday I am so grateful to be here! I can't believe it is already Monday again! I feel like I emailed you all yesterday haha. Today marks the beginning of my fourth week!
I am so glad that General Conference was amazing! I did not get to watch it live because of the nine hour time difference. We are watching it this week as a stake at our stake center. I am not sure that we are watching all of conference, but I will be able to read all of the talks once they are on
lds.org. Hopefully my mom will mail me the General Conference magazine when it comes out ;) I have been reading the April 2016 General Conference magazine in preparation for whatever I get to watch this Saturday and Sunday. It is so important to regularly remind ourselves of the words of the prophet! We are incredibly blessed to have a living prophet with the Priesthood keys, so we need to remember what is said in conference!
This week was cool because we had Zone Conference! I got to see some of the missionaries I was in the MTC with, which was so fun! Zone Conference is pretty much where all of the missionaries in the surrounding areas come together and learn how to be better missionaries. Zimbabwe missionaries are crazy and fun! We had an absolute blast! It was cool to spend the whole day with them. We also got to hear from our Mission President. Man, that guy has the coolest testimony of Jesus Christ.
Things in my area are coming along well! Sister Talemwa and I are teaching a lot of investigators! We have some baptismal dates, but we keep running into problems with marriage here. So for a person to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they have to be married legally if they are living with another person. Law of Chastity and all that haha. Here, people get married customally, but not legally. We have a few investigators who had baptismal dates for this week, but then we figured out that they are not married legally haha. I will for sure let you know when my first baptism is, though! I love teaching lessons. People here are so incredible!
I am quickly developing relationships with the members of my branch and my investigators! My love for people has grown as I have been here. I have a few favorite people that I love visiting. One of them is this 40 year old guy we have been visiting a lot. He loves the gospel and has a huge desire to be baptized! He has a Word of Wisdom problem, though, so we are working on that with him. He has dreadlocks and rides a motorcycle haha. He's so cool. I am also teaching him Spanish. He came to church on Sunday! That has also been one of his biggest problems is making it to church, but he said that I really helped him want to come by how excited I was haha.
There are pros and cons to being white in Zimbabwe. On one hand, I get a lot of people talking to me about the gospel because they want to know why I came here from America. On the other hand, I get a lot of marriage proposals from random drunk guys because they want to go to America haha. It's crazy!! I love the people here. They make me laugh. There are groups of kids in a few different places in my area that know me. Whenever I come around, they yell "Sister Angie!" ( I have no idea why they call me that lol) and run up to me. Yesterday I had like twenty kids touching my hair, holding my arms, and yelling "HOW ARE YOU?" at me. I love them all so much haha. They love touching me and then looking at their skin to see if it has changed haha.
I need to go soon, but before I do I just want to leave you guys with a challenge. Share the gospel with at least one person this week. Members have a very significant role in missionary work! You guys can accomplish so much. Think about the joy that comes from knowing about the gospel. We know that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father. We know what our purpose is here on Earth, and where we will go after. Most important, however, we know that Jesus Christ died for our sins. The guilt we feel when we make mistakes can be washed away by the Atonement. I feel pure joy from living the principles of the gospel, and that is why I choose to share it with others. I hope you choose to share that joy with the people you know. If your neighbor is thirsty, would you deny him water? Don't deny anyone you know of the opportunity to know about the gospel.
I love you all! I love hearing from you. I hope that I can get pictures uploaded on this computer! Have a good week! I know I will!
Tonana! (Goodbye)
Sister Lewis