Young MacDonald Had a Twin
Oh my heck. What even happened this week? I don't know. My life was so busy haha. It was a good week, but it was SO HECTIC. ALL of the things are happening. EVERYONE wants to be baptized haha. My companion and I literally have time for nothing except to eat, sleep, and preach the gospel.
Monday: You already know last Monday we went hiking! I will try to send some pictures of our hike. Yoh it was beautiful at the top.
Tuesday: Halfway done with mission? WHAT?! I hit my nine month mark on mission! I go home on March 13th, so I was exactly halfway done on Tuesday. It felt so weird, to be honest. I feel like I have been here for two days, not nine months! Also it was my brother Jesse's birthday! We went to District Meeting, and I had to give the doctrinal study. Funnily enough, it was all about service and how serving others can open up their hearts to our message. Due to my wonderful parents and their incredible hearts, I have pretty much grown up around service my whole life, so it was easy to testify about. After District Meeting, all of the sisters wanted to take a picture with me looking pregnant for my 9 month mark haha. It is kind of a tradition on mission. The picture is boss, though, so I ain't even mad. After lunch we taught some nice lessons! We got to end the day with the Pepa Family, recent converts, who I love and adore.
Wednesday: Lessons on lessons on lessons. We extended baptismal dates to four people, and they accepted! Everyone in Retreat is getting ready to be baptized haha. This group is going to turn into a branch faster than I can say, "Ndinofara!" (I am happy). P.S. Happy birthday to Aunt Bonnie!
Thursday: Weekly Planning, as always! We got to have some good lessons and we discovered even MORE of Retreat, so blessed. We extended two baptismal dates and they accepted!
Friday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELDER HUNT!!! Shout out to my best friend in Chile for turning 19. We taught some really really nice lessons and extended two baptismal dates, and they both accepted.
Saturday: MAKOROKOTO to BROTHER MUCHENA for being baptized! It was a really nice service, and after his baptism Brother Muchena bore a beautiful testimony. He has been one of the most prepared investigators I have ever come across. He came to church one week after being invited by Brother Kaingo, and then we taught him the lessons and baptized him 3 weeks later. We didn't even really have to teach him because he would read the pamphlets so much he almost had them memorized! Awesome dude. We taught a few lessons after the baptism and extended three baptismal dates, and all of them accepted!
Sunday: HOLY COW GUYS I HAD 15 CHILDREN IN PRIMARY THIS WEEK AND I ALMOST DIED. It was fun, though. Lots of adventures for sure. I had twins this week, too, and they are like both 2 years old haha. Most of the kids I have to teach are below the age of 8 and I am supposed to keep them busy/happy for two hours and they don't understand English. BUT. God loves me and He gives me strength each and every time. The twins are called Michael and MACDONALD. Macdonald is so stinking cute guys hahaha.
So this week was crazy and hectic. We currently have 19 people on date for baptism, and most of them need to be married legally before we can baptize them. I will be so tired of marriages by the time I get home that I won't even want to get married myself haha. We are sooo busy right now, but good busy! We are loving it! Not everything that happened this week was good, but I am so glad that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and constantly encourages me and strengthens me just when I feel like I have hit my limit. I am grateful for the Atonement of my Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me with a love unending. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon which brought me so much peace when I was failing to find it through other sources.
Love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Lewis
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