Monday, January 1, 2018


Hey Fam!

Well, I don't even know where to start to be honest haha. Merry Christmas? Happy New Year? Eish. I honestly am kind of at a loss for words haha. Let me try to catch you up on my life since the 18th of December.

First of all, I am still in the same area! YAY! I love Mabvuku too much, and I really want to stay here until I go home. I am not sure if I am going to, but I am praying for that. I love the ward TOO MUCH. My companion and I have been working really hard to make the ward grow. Beyonce MOVED I was so sad haha. We are teaching a lot of really good people right now, though! One cool thing that happened from last week was meeting with Brother Prosper (15). So we had visited with Prosper a few times before Christmas, and he was just a cool guy! Get this...he literally STAYED HOME from a vacation with his family just so he could meet with I have never been so impressed like I was then. We visited him on Christmas because we knew he would probably be lonely and it was just the nicest lesson. We read from Alma 7 and talked about Christ...I can't even explain how powerful the Spirit was!

Friday before Christmas we also got to walk with a less-active woman named Emily who is almost blind to CAROL NIGHT! It was super fun. I don't know if she will ever come back to church, but my companion and I just felt like we really did the right thing. We had to walk with her from far and then back again. Since we walked back at night, she totally relied on us to get her there safely. She is someone I will always remember. It was a tender mercy to meet Emily. It made me realize how we always should do the right thing even if we aren't sure about the result of our efforts. 


Sister Diing is so fun! So here is the whole story...she was born in Sudan, moved when she was five to Kenya, and then moved right after that to New Zealand where she grew up....and then moved to Australia as an adult to work. Confused? I'm not! She is super fun! We work really hard together, which has been awesome. We talk talk talk hahaha I think we never shut up. 

Skyping my family on Christmas was AWESOME! Pretty much everyone was talking about me coming home, which was crazy. I actually don't like the idea of coming home in 10 weeks, but that is reality! I am excited to see my family, though, yoh. MAKOROKOTO TO JAKE AND JAIME FOR HAVING MY NEWEST NIECE! I can't wait to meet her!

Happy Birthday Dottie! I was thinking about you this week as I knew it was time for your birthday to be rolling around! I hope you had a great week!

Literally my life is in chaos right now, but good chaos. I have never been so busy in my life. I feel like I can't catch up, but then somehow miraculously I am like given extra time by God to get everything done that I need to get done. I am happy being busy!

I love you all so much. Please no one is allowed to talk about me coming home soon haha. I am excited for 2018! My only goal is to read the Book of Mormon everyday, and I am confident in that goal.

I am honestly so scattered, so this is the end of the email. Hopefully next week my mind will be more gathered together haha. Sorry if I didn't get to email all of you, I didn't have so much time as tonight is MLC dinner. LOVE YOU ALL!

One last thing...I have begun to commit the Living Christ to memory...I can't even explain the miracles it has brought into my life. TRY IT. You will see. I can't describe the personal growth I have felt. I am a totally different person since I have tried to do it! I have also been given the capacity to memorize things FAST! Yoh. I was shocked how easy it has been to memorize.

Love you! Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best that 2018 has to offer you!

Sister Lewis

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