Monday, January 8, 2018

01/08/18 (9 weeks till Jenna comes home--from Jenna's Mom!!!)

Hey Fam!

Well, things are finally settling down it feels like here in the New Year. The weeks are still flying by, and I can't even keep track of them. We are officially halfway through this transfer, even though it feels like it just started. Let me tell you a little bit about this week!

Monday: MLC Dinner was super fun as always. I got to say my goodbyes to SISTER PARK SHE LEFT I AM SO SAD SOS COME BACK PARK. Seriously, I loved that girl too much. It was so special to be able to hear her final testimony as a missionary. 

Tuesday: MLC was amazing! It was a little bit scary because I had to report alone this time since Sister Diing is still new, but it was a good MLC. We got a lot of things done, I feel like. We also got to go to the area in the evening. 

Wednesday: Interviews with President! It was good. He gave me some really great advice, and of course I always love any time I get to spend with him. We taught a lot of lessons after interviews, too!

Thursday: Weekly planning! The lessons we had that day were super powerful, too. Man. This week we were praying to be able to find some prepared families to teach, and we had little miracles throughout the whole week! Father led families kept being dropped into our laps. It was awesome. 

Friday: Lessons on lessons on lessons! 

Saturday: Full day of lessons again haha. Lots of finding, lately. 

Sunday: Church! We meet from 12 to 3 now which is so weird! I have started in the morning my whole mission, but it is kind of super nice. We get to do personal study in the morning now instead of in the evening. Church was great as always. I had this super awkward moment yesterday haha. So during sacrament meeting, I felt the Spirit tell me to go bear my testimony during fast and testimony meeting. I never have done that before because as missionaries I think we are just supposed to let members do it. I got up and started to walk toward the front and then I got scared and walked straight out the door! Hahaha my companion followed after me and gave me the confidence that I needed to just go follow the Spirit! It was good.

Can I just say how grateful I am for the Word of Wisdom this week? Eish. I don't know why, but we have met a lot of people drunk this week. Maybe it was the holidays, I am not sure. I was thinking too much about it, though. I was grateful to my Father in Heaven for having more wisdom than I have. I felt prompted by the Spirit to think about alcohol in particular. I thought long and hard about it, and I realized that alcohol has never done one single good thing for me in my whole life. It has, however, caused some heartache in my life. The gospel, on the other hand, has given me every good thing. I am so grateful for the Word of Wisdom and my personal commitment to following it.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Lewis


Perks of Borrowdale



I like tomatoes now

Compa chilin'

Drive in Selfie

How I feel in about 9 weeks


Flowers from kids

Model Makanaka


I won

My other half


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