Hey Fam!
Sorry for the craziness of no group email last week! My companion and I had to get something done, so we didn't really get so much time to email. I don't even have a ton of time left today, but I will write something quick about last week and this week!
Monday: We had a super fun family home evening with Reuban (recent convert) and his mom (nonmember). We played games, we ate cake, we shared scriptures! It was so fun! I can't wait to do Family Home Evening with my future family haha.
Wednesday: Exchanges with Sister Wamaitha! She is from Kenya, and she is pretty new on mission. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She is such a powerful teacher for someone who is so new on mission! I loved teaching with her all day and being around her. We saw like
a WHOLE BUNCH of people that day...we had like 7 or 8 lessons. Great day!
Thursday: WE FOUND THE MOST POWERFUL GUY EVER. Or should I say he found us? So we were walking by on the street and he stopped us and called us into his gate. A member of our church named Jack (19) was with his uncle, Eric. Eric called us over and was
like, "I know this church and I want to learn more about it." We have been teaching him ever since. LITERALLY HIS WIFE IS ALSO SUPER PREPARED. We are planning on having them get married and baptized in February. I can't even explain how awesome he is. He keeps
all his reading commitments, he comes to church with his whole family, he is just awesome. He was even giving Jack fire on Sunday because Jack missed church hahaha. I love that family tooooo much. I wish you could hear the comments the wife and the husband
give. They just GET the gospel. God really does prepare people!
Saturday: I hit 16 months on mission? What the heck? EPHRAIM GOT BAPTIZED! He is a super cool kid. He is like 12 and he was so ready to get into that water haha.
Sunday: This day was a miracle. We had like a million investigators come to church? And a bunch of less-actives that we had visited came? Like? Sometimes I love working as hard as I can and just seeing the blessings that come. Not all of the blessings
that come are immediate, but they do come! I love being a missionary. WE ALSO SAW ERIC SO OF COURSE, BLESSED DAY.
Monday: FHE again with the Makarutse family! Powerful family. Members for a few years. We went and cooked for them and then had FHE!
Tuesday: ZONE CONFERENCE! Yoh this one was super good. The mission has decided to give us smart phones so that we can help people do family history work! We only get to use it when we want to help someone put in their family history, and we have to be
careful because smartphones can be a huge temptation, but it is SO COOL! Literally there is no difference between the work for the living and the dead, so I love this opportunity we have.
Wednesday: EXCHANGES WITH MY LITERAL FAVORITE PERSON EVER, SISTER OMONDI. She is also from Kenya. Oh my heck me and this girl are best friends. We had a great day. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. WE ALSO SAW ERIC SO YOU KNOW, #BLESSED.
Thursday: BEYONCE CAME BACK! But she moved to a different area...she is still in Mabvuku, but she lives in the other sisters' area. LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Oh well, as long as she gets the gospel in her life, anyway.
Friday: ERIC. Taught him and his wife about the Book of Mormon. I just love those people guys literally we are teaching so many people, but I love them.
Sunday: Church! Also amazing. Lots of people came, so blessed.
Happy Birthday to Lenzie, Grandma, Barbara and Jake in January! I love you and can't wait to spend some of your next birthdays with you! Love you guys!
I am out of time, but I am SO GOOD. I think I am working harder than I ever have on my whole mission. I am trying to make every minute count! I am sorry group emails these days are so rushed, but my mind is just elsewhere. I know you guys love being updated, but
it is reallllyyyy hard these days to sit and write a proper email haha.
We are going with all 10 sisters in Harare on an activity today, so wish us luck! See you all next week!
Sister Lewis