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Savior, Lina, Sister Jili and I |
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Sister Jili and I at District Conference |
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On our way to District Conference in our combi! |
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Car selfie! |
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Quick reminder to everyone! |
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4 weeks until my comp. goes home. Crazy! |
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My comp. doesn't have time for anyone's sass! |
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My beautiful Retreat!
Conference, Conference, Conference!
Hey guys! This week was a great week. Things finally calmed down just a little bit! We didn't have a bunch of crazy things happen, which was good. Here is what happened this week!Monday: So after emailing on Monday, Sister Jili got sick because we think she accidentally took a little bit too much pain medication. She had taken some really small dose pills for her pain, but I never knew that she did. She was telling me about the pain, so I gave her some more medicine. She did not remember about the medicine she took at the time. She got super light headed and nauseous, but SHE WAS OKAY! We went home and she slept for a few hours and when she woke up, she was A OKAY! We shopped for some groceries and then just called it a day!
Tuesday: District Meeting. We had a good meeting! I was conducting the meeting and I am pretty sure Elder Tu'ua will never ask me to conduct again because I was being silly and everyone was laughing. Maybe I should stick to choristing. Sister Jili and I also got to work with Brother Moses (cool name, huh?) on Tuesday. Moses is always super funny, so we enjoy taking him to our lessons so he can help us translate. It was a good day of teaching!
Wednesday: Zone Conference! It was a little crazy because we found out on Sunday that we were having Zone Conference on Wednesday. Usually they give us a few weeks notice, but this one was just out of the blue! It was so, SO nice, though. The zone (fourteen of us) piled into a combi that the mission rented to drive us to Harare. The ride was about one hour and a half long. Conference went from 10 to 2, and then we got lunch! I GOT TO SEE SISTER PARK!!! I was so excited. She is doing so good! Her trainee is doing awesome, too. Sister Park told me that this past Saturday they baptized a few of the people that she and I were teaching together. I am so proud! After Zone Conference was done, we had to wait around for a little while so President could meet with all the Zone Leaders and District Leaders for a minute. It was so nice to just catch up with all of the other sisters.
Thursday: Weekly Planning! Sister Jili only has 4 more of them left! I have 56 left haha. #powerful Lots of good lessons! At the end of the day, we went to go see the Pepa Family (Peppa Pig...shout out to my niece, Kendall, who can't even read this shoutout!) and they fed us dinner. YOH! That mama can COOK! It was super yummy, but she also fed us so much food.
Friday: Every so often on mission, we have fall-through days. This day was a fall-through day! Almost all of the people we planned to see weren't home! We did get to see a few of them, though, which was good! Sister Jili and I spent the night fixing our area book which died from the flood haha.
Saturday: We got to teach some lessons in RETREAT, aka my favorite part of my area. We taught this girl and her name is Savior. Literally the coolest name ever, right? She is being baptized this week if all goes according to plan! She is so super sweet. She is 15 years old. Her mom was just baptized a few weeks ago. I know she will be a strong member.
Sunday: HOLY MOLY Sunday was my favorite day of this week. We had a District Conference (a district is like a stake, but smaller). For two hours, I was just spiritually uplifted like crazy. There were SO MANY good talks! President Mkhabela's first counselor spoke about WOMEN and how powerful women in the church are. He talked about how men should respect women, and how husbands should treat their wives like queens. It was an awesome talk. At the very end of the conference, President Mkhabela (my mission president) gave one of the most incredible prayers I have ever heard in my whole life. He was giving a dedicatory prayer over the building. I was crying through the whole prayer, which was crazy because I have only cried like twice on mission. I can't even explain it, but the whole congregation could just feel the Spirit there so strongly! It was awesome.
This week was a really great week for me. I have seen myself growing so much. I can't wait to grow more. Today is the 6th month mark for my time in Zimbabwe! On March 13th, 2018 I will be flying home! It seems like time is running so fast. There is no way I am 1/3 of the way done with my mission! I really liked what Elder Ellis told us about mission, though. He said, "Of course they say that your mission is the best year and a half of your life. You get to walk with God for 18 months. When else do you get to say that?"
I love this gospel so much! I can't wait for this next upcoming year!
Have a great week, guys! I love you all and I pray for you! Try to do something good for someone else this week!
Love, Sister Lewis
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