A Saviour is Born...Again
Hey, fam! Another great week commenced in Zimbabwe! Mission is running WAY TOO FAST! It needs to slow down! Here's what happened:
Monday: After Sister Jili and I finished emailing, we went to go get my hair done! I did braids again! They were a little different this time, though. We wanted to both get our hair done the same together, but it didn't work out because my hair ended up taking FOUR HOURS to finish. So by the time we were done, it was time to go home! I love my hair, though!
Tuesday: Zone meeting! We had a good zone meeting with our little zone. We just learned how to be better at planning and also how to be successful missionaries. After zone meeting we had a few lessons in this place called Batani. It is the hottest place in our area, I think. I love it, though! I always learn a ton of Shona when I am there! We also had a lot of fun with some of our investigators on Tuesday night. We helped them to bake a cake and then we had some lessons while it was baking! It was yummy and it turned out super cute. Everyday is a new adventure haha.
Wednesday: This day was a little stressful because we had car troubles at the beginning of the day. Our car ran out of battery water (who even knows what that is?) and apparently it was pretty dangerous to be driving without it...BUT WE WERE OKAY! We bought some and filled it up and we were on our way! We had a lot of lessons that were totally spread out, but it was a good day for lessons.
Thursday: Weekly Planning! Sister Jili and I had a really good companionship inventory where were pretty much were just telling each other how much we love and appreciate each other and it was amazing. We may have cried a tiny bit. Did I mention I love Sister Jili? I will be a wreck when she leaves haha. We had a lesson with one of the funniest recent converts in this area, Sister Uchena. She totally made our day.
Friday: Another day in Batani! We had some good lessons where we met this super cute family called the Moyo's! In the night we had baptismal interviews for the candidates we baptized on...
SATURDAY: This day was SUCH a good day! To start off with, we had three baptisms! Sister Milliscent, Sister Linah, and Sister SAVIOUR were baptized. We baptized someone named Saviour. Coincidence? I think NOT! I still get teary every time I see people being baptized. It just reaffirmed to me that I am in the right place. Nothing makes me happier than the gospel! ALSO Saturday was Sister Jili's 24th BIRTHDAY! After the baptisms, we had some cake with all of the missionaries and members. It was super fun. We also went to see some recent converts who lived SO FAR AWAY! We walked forever haha. It was so cool because we walked through the bush pretty much haha. It was a great day. Sister Jili said she loved having her last birthday on mission with me!
Sunday: We spent half the day in Retreat Farm on Sunday, which was awesome. We were just visiting the people that were baptized, seeing other investigators, and visiting member families. We had a lot of fun and took a lot of pictures with the Manyara family.
This week was awesome. Sister Jili and I are so sad to be halfway done with our time together. She is staying SO STRONG for the last few weeks of her mission. She is a hard worker, for sure. She is a great example to me. Next week is exchanges, which should be fun. I will be back in Harare for one day chete (only). I am still learning a lot of Shona. I am starting to speak Shonglish. I don't speak English chete anymore. I will throw in Shona words all over the place haha. #blessed
Have a great week, guys! Remember how much you are loved by your Father in Heaven. I have learned on mission that God will always keep the promises he makes to us. This week I had the chance to bear my testimony of that to a girl who was not sure if she could pay for her school fees. She looked into my eyes and told me, "I know God can perform miracles if I have enough faith." Let us all follow her words and have the faith to see miracles. I love you all.
Sister Lewis
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