Where Two or Three or Seventeen Are Gathered
Masquer asi! Where Two or Three or Seventeen Are Gathered
PSA So last week I was loading like 20 pictures onto an email to my parents. Can you even imagine that as the TWENTIETH picture was loading, the computer TURNED OFF! So, no pictures. This week, I am emailing at a cafe that doesn't have a place to plug in an SD card, so next week I will just send a whole BUNCH of pictures! Be prepared!
Monday: After emailing, Sister Jili and I didn't do anything haha. It started to rain and so we had to go home and get all of our washing off of the line. Oh! Actually. Sister Jili went and got her hair done and it looks SO NICE! I will send pictures next week.
Tuesday: After District Meeting, our District Leader, Elder Tuua (Australia) was SUPER NICE and bought Sister Jili a birthday cake. We all ate cake and ice cream and had a good time. Elder Tuua also bought matching sunglasses for our WHOLE DISTRICT and they are so awesome. Again, I will send pictures next week haha. So after District Meeting, Sister Jili and I got to teach one lesson and then we went to HARARE for EXCHANGES! We drove ourselves because Bindur is one hour chete from Harare. We also drove because President Mkhabela decided to be the nicest person in the world and give us an AUTOMATIC instead of a manual! WOOT WOOT! So on Tuesday we drove up to Harare and it was so fun. It was like a mini road trip! You better believe we blasted EFY music the whole time! Then I had to watch a whole bunch of safety videos from the 90s so I could get certified...which was actually cool because it was filmed in Utah! I got to see my mountains! Covered in SNOW! Then I got certified. I PASSED with flying colors haha. I did well. I wasn't nervous at all. I asked Elder Carrell (senior couple vehicle guy) if we could pray before he tested me and he was like, "Wow, no one has ever asked me that before!" Just trying to make you proud, Mom! BUT anyway I passed certification and then the Sister Training Leaders, Sister Walbeck and Sister Hopkins came and picked us up!
Wednesday: Exchanges with Sister Hopkins! (Arizona) Sister Hopkins is so funny and sweet and I learned a ton from her! We were in her area, Chitungwiza! I love that place and I hope I get to serve there one day. It was a good day!
Thursday: Driving back, teaching lessons, the usual! Good day though for sure. I made Sister Jili drive back from Harare, but ever since then I have been driving here in Bindur. It is not so bad! We haven't had any near death experiences, so I am happy about that. I am a safe driver!
Friday: Lessons, lessons, lessons. We were busy trying to work as hard as we could since Tuesday and Wednesday we didn't get to do much. We had some lessons in Retreat, and we extended a lot of baptismal dates!
Saturday: Sister Jili and I did Weekly Planning on Saturday since on Thursday we were driving back from Harare and we had to work out car stuff in the office. We had a bunch of lessons. At the end of the day, we had a FHE with this part member family. Mama fed us mazondo (cow feet) and it was SO GOOD! Possibly my favorite thing I have eaten.
Sunday: My favorite day of the week! Starting this Sunday, I now get to go to church for FIVE HOURS in a row because....RETREAT OPENED THEIR OWN BRANCH!! YAAS! We meet at a Primary School, which is awesome. I loved it so much. There was 17 of us in attendance for the first Sunday. We CANNOT WAIT for the branch to grow more. We already have a family who is preparing to be baptized there. Guys. I have never been in such a powerful sacrament meeting before. Imagine me, who has been a member my whole life, growing up in congregations that fill a chapel, sitting in a school with 16 other people. Was the Spirit there? Yep. Most powerful feeling I have ever had. Heavenly Father loves all of his children, whether they are in Utah or Zimbabwe.
Matthew 18:20 reads, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Ndino ziva kuti Mwari Baba anotida. I know that God loves us. Namuzita ra Jesu Kristu, amen.