Molo! (Hello! in Xhosa)
Hi guys! SO this will be the last email that you get from me in the MTC because next Tuesday we are traveling to Zim and then we don't have P-Day in Zim until Monday. The next time you hear from me personally is the 19th of September. I love you all! My mission president might send an email saying that I got there safe, so I hope that my mom will remember to put that email on my blog as well!
I fly to Zim the same day Andrew flies to Chile! Twinners! Andrew I hope your farewell went well! I was thinking and praying about you all day!
This week was fabulous! We have committed three out of our four "investigators" to baptism now! And we are committed our last one tonight! I love teaching. I am not even close to a perfect teacher, but the Spirit is! I love walking out of a lesson knowing that my investigator has felt the Spirit.
I GET TO GO TO THE TEMPLE ON THURSDAY! I thought I might be able to go this past Thursday, but we got put in the group for this Thursday. I AM SO PUMPED!
Our district changed this week! Now I have the two British Elders in my district, an Elder from Blanding, Utah, and and Elder from Spokane, Washington! I love the Elders in my district. I am learning how to perfect my British accent!
I don't have a ton of time to email this week, so I pretty much just wanted to give you guys some advice. Life is tough. Really tough. Fortunately, we have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves us all SO MUCH. Every time Satan pushes us off of the wagon, and I promise he will, stand back up again. For every time you fall, get back up again. Never give up. Life is hard, but it is meant to be enjoyed. I have genuinely never been this happy in my whole life. I wish I had tried harder before my mission to be this close to the Spirit at all times. For those of you who are preparing for missions - READ YOUR SCRIPTURES EVERY DAY. That actually is advice for everybody haha. There is no point in staying miserable when you can open your scriptures and feel peace!
I am so happy, so healthy! There is nowhere I would rather be than on a mission. "Because I have been given much, I too must give." I love you all and I promise to send a longer group email when I have more time to email on P-Days. I should have 1 hour instead of 30 minutes as soon as I get to Zim.
Love you!
Sister Lewis
P.S. If you want to shoot me an email, don't forget that my email is I don't know what email my mom has set up with my blog, but don't email that one if you want me to be able to get back to you.
Jenna would love to hear from anyone that has time to send her an email to