Monday, September 19, 2016

MACADI!! (General greeting in Shona)

This week has been absolutely, positively crazy, but I love it!! We flew from Joburg to Harare on Tuesday. All day Tuesday was just paperwork and stuff. Wednesday was a whole bunch of training. I HAVE A COMPANION!! Haha her name is Sister Talemwa from Uganda and she is a perfect human being. She is so sweet. She is such a good teacher. She is more quiet and serious than I am, but only in the morning. Once we get walking around our area we giggle and laugh all day long. 

My area is Gweru! It is like four hours outside of Harare by bus. My house is so cute! I can't wait to send you guys pictures. I can't today, but I will next week. It's a big house in comparison to the people I teach in. We have like four different gates, so no one will ever even get close to stealing from us haha. Sister Talemwa says Gweru is so safe, though. She has never had any problems. So Sister Cook (MTC companion) and I are living in the same house! We usually always live four in a house in Zimbabwe. We aren't companions, and we only see each other in the mornings and the evenings, but it has been so nice having her around! Even though everything in my world has changed, she is a constant! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my area! I am the only white person there, so all the kids follow me around and yell "Murungu!" which pretty much just means "white person". I love it. Everyone is so nice! No one will ever shut a door in our face because everyone in Zim is just so hospitable. My companion and I have a good list of investigators so far, and I love them all! I am so obsessed with missionary work haha. 

I am learning Shona really fast! It isn't required that we learn it, and we are supposed to teach in English, but the people love it that we try to speak. Sister Talemwa says I am picking it up really quickly. My favorite word is "Shamwari", which means friend. Sister Talemwa and I always just call each other shamwari. They roll all of their "r"s. There is a recent convert who walks around with us helping us teach lessons all the time and he makes fun of my pronunciation of Shona because apparently I say things with a Spanish accent. 

Guys I can never remember what to tell you haha. The food is cool! We ate a lot of interesting things this week, but nothing that I haven't liked. Probably the craziest thing was cow intestines. That was a little weird. We eat rice, beans, or sadza every meal, and it fills me up so quick! My companion complains that I don't eat enough, but I just can't make it all fit in my stomach! I love African people haha. 

I love teaching people the gospel! The coolest thing ever is when you are sitting on a bucket teaching somebody about the gospel and the Spirit is just there so strong. These people have the Light of Christ! 

I have to go because I have like two minutes before this computer shuts off. Next week I will have two hours to email, so I'll tell you more stuff then. I will send pictures, too, hopefully! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I AM SO HAPPY! Thank you for all the emails this week haha my companion couldn't believe I had so many emails in my inbox. I FEEL YOUR LOVE!!
The church is true! If you need some uplifting this week, turn to the Book of Mormon! Say your prayers, guys! It helps so much! The biggest thing I have learned is that when we ask, Heavenly Father will answer.


Love, Sister Lewis 

1 comment:

  1. Jenna,
    Andrew and I loved reading your blog together and now I love reading it alone. You always cheer me up :). I totally want to come hang out with you and I can't think of one reason why I shouldn't! Love you and Miss You.. Angie Hunt
