Monday, February 13, 2017

Selfie if the week. I was looking really tired

Sister Walbeck and I! She is so cute

So...we had a snake in the house this week. We named him Gilbert. We didn't kill him, and we didn't keep him.

Me and Gilbert

Marimba Park/Harare South Zone!

This week we found a puppy!

Me and Spike

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My companion wearing Sister Thomas's glasses. She was trying to look Super Asian haha

Sister Park and I

House Picture! Sister Thomas, Sister Namugenyi, Sister Park, Sister Lewis

So...yeah. WE took a lot of funny pictures haha

Joshua 7:10 "And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?"

The Adventures of Lewis and Park Part 4: WORK!

Macadini! I hope you are all doing well! 

So...let me explain my scripture haha because it does have significance! This week, Sister Lewis got sick! BOO! ðŸ˜·ðŸ¤’ LUCKILY it was only like congestion and a cough. I wasn't sick to my stomach, which was a huge blessing. Everyday when I woke up this week, I couldn't talk for a solid ten minutes haha. My companion would always ask me if I needed to stay home to get better, and my response was always, "For what?!" We had way too much to do this week! There was no way I was staying inside. We had souls to save! So, instead of laying on my face all week, I worked! AND I GOT BETTER SO FAST! The Lord helped me out so much. I wasn't even tired or anything. It was awesome. #blessed I was bummed, though, because it was the first time on mission I have been sick. It was bound to happen, though, so I am glad it was just a tiny cold. 

Monday: After emailing, we went and shopped and stuff. I love spending preparation day with the sisters in my house. Sister Thomas is the best and obviously I love Sister Namugenyi because she used to be my literal companion. Oh, I forgot! Sister Park got pulled over on Monday for a totally nonsense reason haha. She was in the middle of the intersection when the light turned yellow, so she had to turn when the light was about to turn red. She got ticketed. Luckily it was only $10, but we were all not very excited about it haha. Now we laugh and joke about the light turning yellow whenever we drive. "What did you want me to do, officer?" We love Zim police haha. 

Tuesday: District Meeting! After DM, we ate lunch and then went to the area. Sister Park and I had a ton of lessons on Tuesday, which was good because the rest of the week was kind of crazy. We saw a ton of my favorite investigators this day, so I was in a good mood for sure! We had an awesome lesson about the Plan of Salvation with Lazarus, Alphios, and Alex. They are powerful guys. 

Wednesday: EXCHANGES! This day was literally so fun. Sister Park and I went to Chitunguiza to work with Sister Hopkins (Arizona) and Sister Walbeck (Utah). I got to work with Sister Walbeck, and I was so excited! We had an AWESOME day together! I would be so happy if she was my companion in the future. She is super awesome. It was so cool because all of the lessons we had were crazy spiritual. It was not even my area, but I got the feeling at the end of the day when I was praying that all of the people that I had met today were supposed to meet me. God works in mysterious ways! It was such a spiritually incredible day. I loved it. 

Thursday: So Thursday was a little bit challenging. We did weekly planning as usual, but then George (the guy who the church hired to fix our house) came over to fix this giant hole we had in our ceiling. He came at around 11, and didn't leave until 5 in the evening. Sister Thomas and Sister Namugenyi went to their area, so Sister Park and I had to stay home until George left. We didn't get to teach any lessons, which we were bummed about. We were super grateful that George fixed our house, though. It needed some work done. Sister Park and I worked from about 5 to 8 and just contacted, mainly. Our car also got stuck again haha. The only people around were a bunch of drunk guys, but they got it figured out which was awesome haha. They lifted our car and helped us get out! It was so nice of them.

Friday: Zone Meeting! On Friday we all got together as a zone to get some training from our Zone Leaders. It was supposed to go from 10-1, but it ended up going from 10-2. Sister Lewis doesn't do well these days sitting, so that was a challenge. It was really good, though! We enjoyed. After Zone Meeting, we grabbed lunch and then went to go teach. We only saw a handful of people, but it was a good day! We met this guy for the first time and he was like, "I want to be baptized! I prayed to know which church was the true church, and then someone gave me your number!" My companion and I were not even surprised. Heavenly Father can do anything! He prepares people for us, for sure. 

Saturday: Nothing on the schedule but TEACHING, which we were so excited about. We got to teach a ton of people, and it was a great day! We went to work for sure. 

Sunday: Church! I love church. Church is awesome. This week, Sister Park and I had 17 investigators attend church! We were so excited! The branch is really excited, too. Our goal is to turn the branch into a ward by the end of the year. Obviously Sister Park and I won't be there for that long, but we will try our best to help as much as possible! People in Kuwadzana are READY for the gospel! 

That was my week! I hope you guys had a great week! I did for sure. I am so happy! I never want to come home haha. I am still growing spiritually SO MUCH! Every week I have a different goal for myself. I have a lot of weaknesses, but I am slowly overcoming them through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It feels so good to progress. I am glad I get to change while my investigators are changing, too!

I love Kuwadzana and I LOVE Sister Park. We are best friends haha. Love you guys!
Sister Lewis

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