Hey Fam!
Turns out...I took like no pictures this week ahaha sorry. So you get three pictures chete! Next week I will do better!
Monday: Sister Diing and I just had the most chill morning last week it was awesome haha. I don't know if I mentioned it last week, but after we had done our studies, our exercising, our cleaning, chichichi, we took a NAP. It was just like a 45 minute
one, but it was awesome. I enjoyed so much! We shopped, we had good food, and then we went to pick up the sisters for MLC dinner! It was super yummy. Sister Mkhabela cooks such nice food. We had a lot of new additions to the council, so it was a fun dinner.
Tuesday: Missionary Leadership Council! Yoh this one was awesome. We were on fire. Except for the fact that me and my companion were the only sisters making comments haha that was a little awkward...but it was fun! We talked about the things the mission is
struggling with and how we can fix it. Then, we got some really great counsel from President about how to use the Book of Mormon more in our teaching. The Book of Mormon, along with the Spirit, are the most powerful tools in conversion! I was even so cool because
on Sunday last week, Brother Eric (aka my miracle investigator) got up in Testimony meeting and BORE A POWERFUL TESTIMONY ABOUT THE BOOK OF MORMON. This guy is not even baptized yet. He was telling us how much he could feel the Spirit after he bore his testimony.
Wednesday: Full, hectic, busy day full of teaching! We started off by helping a recent convert, Brother Edson, so set up his Family Search account! He is preparing to go to the temple for his family soon. He is super pumped! I am so excited to do family
history when I get home! We had some cool new investigators on Wednesday, too. We are teaching a lot of couples these days, which is my favorite. It means marriages, though, and heaven knows I am tired of marriages haha. I have one more coming up this month
before I go home. It is for Eric and Lois, and I love them too much, so I am excited to get them married haha. Also, there is this sekuru (grandfather) who has been taking lessons from us. The past two weeks in a row, he came to church. When his son came to
visit his father, he saw us and was like SHOCKED that we had gotten his dad to come to church. The son is a pastor and he was telling us that he has been trying for YEARS to get his dad to come to church, but he always refuses. We asked Sekuru why he hasn't
gone to church for more than 20 years, and he said, "I can tell that none of these churches are true, and I can't be a hypocrite before God. When I find a church that is true, I will go there." HE HAS BEEN COMING TO OURS FAM AND HE LOVES THE BOOK OF MORMON.
So...something funny happened Wednesday night haha. We got a call from the Assistants...Sister Diing got emergency transferred to Bindura! My old area! Sister KAYEMBE is now my companion! Do you guys remember her? She and I were being trained in the same house
back in GWERU! She is from DRC (congo). She speaks French 😍. We didn't do anything bad to get transferred, but all of the Sister Training Leaders got shifted around, and a bunch of the zone leaders, too. I think President was just preparing for the split that
is happening in our mission soon. Sister Kayembe and I go home AT THE SAME TIME, so we are 'TRANSLATING' each other. We are super pumped because we are pretty much best friends. She is going to help me learn how to say, "Where is the toilet" in French so that
when I fly through Paris on my way home I won't die lol.
Thursday: Weekly Planning! Sister Diing and I went to the area for the last time together, and then we went to pick up Sister Kayembe from Bravo (bus that travels across Zim). Sister Kayembe was serving in Mbizo, Kwekwe, which is like a four hour ride from
Harare. She is excited to be in Harare again.
Friday: Day full of lessons! It was a good day! Taught a whole bunch of people, so it was good.
Saturday: IT RAINED CATS AND DOGS, but we still proselyted the whole day. We taught a whole bunch of lessons and just got absolutely soaked. I took a hot shower when I got home haha because I think my feet were about to fall off from the cold. I am so
in trouble when winter comes because I am so aclimated to Zimbabwe. Luckily, I have some time before winter comes. Did I ever tell you guys apparently the humidity level here is 93%? I am not sure how far true that is...I mean it has to be true because that
is what the weather reports say...but yoh. It does not even feel like that much.
Sunday: #thetimeisfarspent hahahaha we sang that hymn in sacrament meeting and Sister Kayembe and I were just laughing our heads off because we are both finishing up mission. The lyrics go like this, "The time is far spent, there is little remaining to
publish glad tidings by sea and by land. Then hasten ye heralds go forward proclaiming repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" We enjoyed yesterday too much. Sunday is my favorite day on mission. Teaching lessons and church all in one day is just the
bomb! We didn't have 17 people at church this week, but we did have 11! We had a bunch of less actives come, too. Reactivating is fun lol.
Well, I don't know what else to tell you! It seems like everyone is ready for me to come home. I don't feel ready yet, really. I don't think I will be ready ever. I am excited to see my family again, though. I realized 18 months is a long time not to see
your family.
Keep me in your prayers! This is the end of the race! I am SPRINTING. You guys would not believe how hard I am working. I am also writing more letters than I have ever written in my life haha because I am writing to all of my recent converts and member
friends that I have made in Zimbabwe. I have more than 100 letters guys...my hand is tired.
Sister Lewis
Chillin at the office |
Me and Comp |
Glasses Squad
(From Jenna's Mom) Sister Lewis comes home on March 14th! Just wanted to let everyone know that her homecoming will be on Sunday, March 18th at 1:00 pm. Jenna's family attends the Canyon View Stake Center located at 2110 N Main in Centerville. UT.