Monday, October 30, 2017


Guyss......I am helping my companion cook for MLC dinner we are leaving super early from emailing...but SO MANY AWESOME THINGS HAPPENED THIS WEEK that I can't even wait to tell you about next week.

IT HAS BEEN SO COLD IN HARARE FOR THE PAST THREE DAYS.. which is amazing because it has been like hot hot hot hot hot.

No car probs this week, no sickness, I am good! Transfers are next week and I am not even ready!


My Loves!



Good Story....

Good Story...




Waiting for Sisters...

Monday, October 23, 2017

Hey Guys!

This is so awkward. Literally our car had problems this morning and we had no choice but to get it fixed during our emailing time...awk. 

I will see you guys next week! Love you! 

Sister Lewis




Comp Goals



Stake Activity!

Friday, October 20, 2017


Hey Guys! 

Week 2 of me not being a failure haha go me!

Monday: Ooh shame we had so much fun on Monday haha. After we emailed, we went and hung out with Sister Plothow and Sister Leatu'u! We went to CAFE NUSH again and I got this fettuccine alfredo what what it was AMAZING. We went to this outdoor mall and just walked around shops we did not even have money to buy things from haha. We went to PANDORA and it was like 5X more expensive there than in this US but I found this ring that I am in love with, but can't buy because it is too expensive. It was really fun to just walk around, though. 

Tuesday: So...starting from Tuesday this past week I had SUCH a bad cold. Here, they call it FLU, so I am just going to refer to it as flu from here on out. EISH I have never had flu so badly in my life. I was trying to take like Sudafed and Benylin and all this crazy stuff, but nothing was kicking it. We did a lot of finding on Tuesday, which was like a whole day of walking around and talking to people and knocking on doors, so I was pretty much dying haha. Dee tried to make me go home so many times, but I just kept refusing. 

Wednesday: Exchanges with Sister Hutchings! I feel so badly because I was dying of sickness haha, but my exchange with Sister Hutchings was so fun! She is only like 9 weeks on mission. She is powerful for a new missionary! I had a lot of fun with her. She is from St. George, UTAH. We had some great lessons! We met this guy called BHEKI (literally pronounced like BECKY I love him he is my new favorite person) and he came to church this week and was asking us for a Book of Mormon so BOOM he is the bomb.

Thursday: Eish...Thursday morning was rough haha. My companion and I do personal study of the scriptures every morning for one hour, right? Well I was sneezing and blowing my nose so much that I just took my scriptures into the bathroom and sat on the bathroom floor to study my scriptures haha. We were supposed to do Weekly Planning after that, but she forced me to drive to the pharmacy and get something called Benylin 4 FLU. She told me to take it, so I did, and then I realized that IT IS LIKE A DROWSY MEDICINE. Traitor. I took a two hour nap, woke up feeling much better, and then we did Weekly Planning. We went to the area after that and taught some good lessons! The Benylin didn't last long helping me, though. 

Friday: A FULL DAY of working woosh go me! Honestly guys I am so proud of myself because I just worked the whole day and absolutely passed out when I got home. FUNNIEST STORY EVER THOUGH. *Sorry in advance, Mom* So we are teaching this guy right now called Robson. It was only like our second lesson with him and we invited him to be baptized. We told him it would be the 12th of November and he just goes, "S***, that is too far!" My companion and I were DEAD LAUGHING we could not even get ourselves together haha. He came to church this week and he is getting married soon soon so he is the coolest person ever. We just need to teach him not to use vulgar words haha. 

Saturday: Work work work work work sick.

Sunday: Church! Church was really good. All the people who are progressing really nicely came to church, except Brother Dixon because he was super sick with a migraine. Robson and his family came, though! We saw a few people and then my companion made me go home haha

I am loving missionary work so much. Even though I was sick, I could feel Heavenly Father giving me so much energy! I love being here and I am in absolute denial that I only have 5 more months left. PRAY FOR ME because Dee goes home in THREE WEEKS and I am not ready. Love you all! Have a great week!
Love, Sister Lewis

Found this haha




Sister Hutchings!


Summary of my week

Monday, October 9, 2017



Hey, guys! I hope you have found it in your hearts to forgive me for the past two or three weeks of nonsense because I am repenting hard this week! I kind of realized, though, when I was thinking about my weekly emails that I want to make them a bit more about the spiritual things that happen to me rather than the temporal things. It is only a shame that it took me a whole year to figure out that spiritual is the better way to go when it comes to emails haha. I feel like I experience SO MANY miracles on mission, but you guys don't even get to hear about many of them! So I will do better at adding my spiritual stuff. Also, I think after today my emails will be considerably shorter due to the time constraint. was my week!

Sunday- Fun fact...I was super sick last week Sunday! For like the first time on my mission haha. Fever, vomiting, body aches, the whole nine yards. I still did my missionary work because that is what God needs me to do, and it only lasted like 24 hours so HALLELUJAH. 

Monday- My companion and I, along with Sister Talemwa and Sister Wells, cooked MLC dinner on Monday. We were at President Mkhabela's house all day, which was pretty cool. Their house is GORGEOUS. Sister Mkhabela has a beautiful kitchen. FOUR PLATE FLAT TOP STOVE CAN I GET AN AMEN?! Dinner was a huge success thanks to Sister D and Sister Talemwa. Sister Wells and I pretty much just did the dessert and the salad haha. #gowhitepeople SOS because everyone wants us to cook for next MLC dinner as well...pakaipa. 

Tuesday- MLC! Our mission is amazing. We have baptized like 1,640 people or something like that so far this year. We had a great meeting. President Mkhabela talked a lot about refining ourselves personally and getting back to the basics in our teaching. My favorite thing that he said in connection to preparation was, "The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war." DANKE, PRESIDENT.

Wednesday- TODAY ON CHOPPED: SISTER LEWIS'S HAIR!!! Yeah, I finally hit my breaking point and cut like three inches of off my hair by myself...oops. I won't send like a close up of it because it is probably terrible, but I was just so done with it being dead and dry, so I just chopped it myself haha. We had a lot of lessons and like three new investigators on Wednesday. One really promising guy we met is called Dixon, but I will tell you about him later.

Thursday- Can I just tell you 500 more times how much I love my mission president? We had interviews with him on Thursday and he gave me such good advice on something that had been really bothering me for a few weeks. It was a great day except for the fact that our zone leaders told us the wrong time to be there, so we ended up being at the office for 5 hours instead of 2...pakaipa. 

Friday- OKAY so let me tell you about the  most powerful lesson we had with Dixon. We were teaching him about the Plan of Salvation. We were explaining about the Spirit World to him, how after we die we wait for Resurrection and Judgment in the Spirit World. As we were teaching him, he just interrupted us and asked, "Will I have peace in the Spirit World if I drink alcohol?" My companion and I just looked at each other, and then asked him what he thought. He was quiet for a minute, and then he goes, "I don't think drinking is a good thing. I need to stop." I was completely blown away by the power of the Spirit. We had not even mentioned anything to him at all about drinking alcohol, but as we were teaching him the divine truths in the Plan of Salvation, the Spirit testified to him that he needed to change his ways. ISN'T THE SPIRIT AMAZING?! I love being a missionary. Sorry, guys, I am not coming home in five months haha.

Saturday and Sunday- GENERAL CONFERENCE! I was absolutely blown away by all of the powerful messages of General Conference. I did not even want it to end at all. The whole thing was so inspired. I really loved all of the messages, but my favorite ones were: OBVIOUSLY Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "Be Ye Therefore Perfect - Eventually", Elder Ronald A. Rasband, "By Divine Design", Elder W. Craig Zwick, "Lord, Wilt Thou Cause that Mine Eyes May Be Opened, and Elder Stanley G. Ellis, "Do We Trust Him? Hard is Good". MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN CHANGED BY CONFERENCE! I just have this desire to be the best person I can be!

I am enjoying mission so much. I can't even imagine what my life would have been like without serving the Lord. I don't love mission so much just because I am in Zimbabwe. I would have had the exact same change of heart anywhere. The difference is in myself, my attitude, my perspective. I am working every single day on losing myself to the Lord. It gives my life purpose, joy, and direction. I am exactly who I am because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can never repay my parents for raising me in the true gospel. I know that my Redeemer lives. Nezita ra Jesu Kristu, amen. 

"The full power of the gospel of Jesus Christ is contained in the Book of Mormon. Period." -President Russel M. Nelson

Ndino kudai mese.

Sister Lewis

Dramatic Hair Pic

Companion Selfie

What's Cookin'?


Choco Chunks

Inspiration Wall

Winston and Patience



John the Baptist

Monday, October 2, 2017


Guys....This is so hectic. So...I literally can't even believe how awkward this is...
Tonight we have something called MLC dinner (Mission Leadership Council) and me, my companion, Sister Talemwa, and Sister Wells are cooking! We have to get there so early to cook everything so that it will be I don't have time to write a group email...GUYS I AM SORRY!

LOVE YOU GUYS! I am going to write my group email on Sunday night on a piece of paper next week so that I can just type it. LOVE YOU!



Sister Lewis


Cake cake cake

Wild Child pt 2

Happy Birthday D!

Pizza by ME!


Wild Child


No petrol

